2 . Why me

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The sound of the piece of paper falling onto the ground thundered in her mind.
Her vision became blurry , her limbs gave up on her and she fell on her knees onto the floor and began to cry . She gathered herself in her arms as the tears streamed her flushed face . The pain in her chest spread across her body . One of the only people she fully trusted - considered family even - had completely tore her apart. What had she done wrong ? - she kept asking herself as she sobbed
"So when did Luca give you this letter?"Rose scrutinized the details of the piece of paper
"The night you went to visit your grandma," Sydney answered quietly as she fiddled with her fingers.
"So last week then,"
Sydney nodded in confirmation
",Have you tried calling or...?"
"Yes I've tried calling and texting over a hundred times but he didn't respond -not even once,"she stated gloomily as she cradled the pillow on the couch, squeezing it tightly
"Maybe it's just me _ maybe," she ran through the letter,"but it seems as if Luca broke up with you resentfully. He's regretting this Syd," Rose nodded at her own hypothesis
"If he did then he would've at least answered my texts and calls and explained whatever the hell is going on ", Sydney could feel the tears resurfacing as they did a few hours ago when she first told Rose what happened
"Umm.. okay. Try recalling any recent arguments that might've contributed to ....you know-"
"You think i haven't replayed every conversation from the last days, weeks, and months in my head already? Yes we argued but nothing major . At least not on my part"
"Maybe he's at his apartment ... Just laying low,"Rose suggested
"I've driven up there a couple of times and each time he's not around," Sydney reported
Rose took a moment of silence to think it through as she ran her hand through her wavy brunette hair," Try asking his friend . Um what's his name um..." She snapped her fingers trying to recall the name
"Ah yes! Hardin," she confirmed
Sydney knew Hardin- that is , she knew him around Luca . She had met him a couple of times with some of his other friends but their conversations never went far - just basic chitchat . Sydney thought maybe he didn't like her because of his cold persona but the again,'maybe it's just his nature' she had concluded

"I don't think that's a good idea," Syd said unsure
"Come on Syd , maybe HE knows where Luca is and what's going on," Rose urged
"Fine. I'll talk to Hardin," she gave in
"Good. Now work starts in a few hours so we should probably get some rest," Rose stated as she stood from the bed and walked out of Sydney's room to her own.


Hardin's P.O.V
'out of all people in the entire universe , she decided to invite me to lunch', i parked right next to the restaurant shed invited me to . It's no surprise that I'm beyond shocked that Sydney would want to have lunch with me . I mean we've never actually had a conversation , just the two of us anyways. It's not that i wouldn't want to . It's just that...
I searched the small crowd until i spotted her seated by the corner of the restaurant near the window .
That light brown spotless skin sprinkled with freckles on her nose and cheeks , those light brown doe eyes slightly covered by her long lashes. Those pink plump lips slightly parted revealing her dimples. Those long dark curls reaching her small waist. Her perfect hourglass figure seated comfortably in the chair. Her fashion choice - top tier for me .
To summarize she was just perfect
| Yup that's definitely my best friend's girlfriend| my conscience brought me back to reality.

3rd person's p.o.v
"Hie,"Hardin said quietly as he sat right opposite to her. He nervously bit down his lower lip as he glanced at her discretely.
"Hie,how are you?"she smiled at him
"I'm good ....just kind of didn't expect for you to text out of the blue",he ruffled his hair pushing away the strands of his dark hair that covered his eyes,"is everything okay?"
"Yeah .,, actually -" she took a moment to breathe,"actually no," she proceeded to explain briefly on what went down from the letter to the present moment,"...and i was just wondering if maybe you know where he is . Maybe I could figure it out and get some closure,"off she finished off as she finished the last piece of pizza they ordered a few minutes ago.
"Oh wow umm..."was all Hardin could bring out after he heard her narration.
"Come to think of it,"Hardin paused as he checked something on his phone,"I haven't really heard from him since I invited him to Dayn's place last Saturday- he didn't show up"
"Oh okay so you haven't heard from him or seen him around these past few days?"
Hardin shook his head,"no I'm sorry. I thought it was with you or something like that"
"Oh thank you though-for taking your time from your busy schedule for me,"she thanked him with a sad smile
"It is lunch hour after all,"he shrugged,"would you like me to take you home or..?"
"No it's fine. My work shift is about to start anyway and it's not far from here,"she gently denied his offer.
"Oh okay. I've got to go but I'll tell you if I get through to him."
"Thank you again,"
"Thank you", Sydney said to the Uber driver as she closed the car door behind her and walked toward her apartment
"I'm back,"she lazily dragged her feet into the living room where she found Rose and her long-term boyfriend Jackson cuddle together on the couch watching one of Rose's favorite series.
"Hey,"Rose chanted as she glanced at her roommate then back to the TV
"Hey,"Jackson greeted quietly. He was never really the talkative type
"There's some food in the microwave if you're hungry,"she gestured toward the kitchen
"No I'm okay I just really need some sleep right now,"Sydney waved it off as she tied to meet her way down the hole to a bedroom. Still in a work clothes which was a simple pastel pink hoodie and black jeans, she flopped into the covers expecting to sleep immediately but she couldn't.
Anxiety begin to kick in, not even his closest friends new way he was. But the options for why he dumped Sydney and had disappeared were endless, he could have gotten a new job, maybe his family was moving away, he could have.. gotten a new girlfriend and left, or what Sydney fear the most; he could have simply ran away from her. The familiar lump began to build up blocking the air passage of her throats. She anxiously twisted and turned between the sheets to keep her tears away. Actually alone in her bed; reality gradually hit her Luca had completely disappeared.

 Actually alone in her bed; reality gradually hit her Luca had completely disappeared

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