20. Returned II

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"you've got to be shitting me," Vanessa snarled as she saw the man standing infront of them.
"I need to talk to you," Luca repeated moving closer to Sydney who immediately stepped back,her small fists clenched at her sides.
"Talk to me?!"Sydney snarled at him,"now you want to talk to me?" She spat out in pure furry as tears began to blur her vision
"I .. i"
"You what?" She spoke through gritted teeth
"I want to explain"he spoke softly despite the death glare coming from Rose,"to explain why I left"
"You owed me that explanation 4 fucking months ago!You just disappeared into thin air Luca . How did you think i would feel," she felt her heart clench . Seeing him after 4 months of an unspoken break up had really done quite the damage.
"I left because of reasons that were under my control Syd-"
"What reasons!" She felt her rage only grow as she looked at him .
He opened his mouth to say something then shut it once more.
"I'm sorry," he said with his head hung low
"You're sorry," her voice cracked , a lonely tear gliding down her cheek as she clung onto his hoodie,"if you were sorry you wouldn't have left me"she cried.
Rose clenched her fists and was about to attack him but Vanessa grabbed her by the wrists and shook her head - it wasn't their place to interfer.
"I didn't want to . I never wanted it to be this way i -"
"Well you did," she stated coldly,"you left. You broke me. You hurt me. Your tore my heart into a thousand pieces,"she glared at him , taking a step back," and do you know who picked up the pieces? The ine who was there when you left? Then one who stayed-"
"My best friend," he answered coldly," he took you away from me , didn't he?" He clenched his fist
Sydney froze for a moment , surprised how he knew that piece of information,"yes and where were you? "
"I told you ... It wasn't my choice," He spoke through gritted teeth,"i would've come back sooner Syd . Believe me"
"It wouldn't have changed a thing anyway," she crossed her arms over her chest , looking away," I'm with someone else" she then looked at him straight in the eyes but he didn't even at those words, like he already knew she was going to say that.
"You don't get it do you?" He scoffed bitterly as he stepped closer to her, too close for comfort.
"Get what?"
"He took you away from me !" He exclaimed frustratedly,"-he ..he told not come back" he spoke more softly as he ruffled his hair.
"Excuse me?" Sydney asked dumfounded,"and what do you mean by that . You left. He wouldn't have even be in the picture if you hadn't left."
"I know but it's not as simple as that Syd,"he picked the bridge of his nose and sighed,"I took you from him and he wanted revenge"
"That's absurd Luca . He never 'had' me"
"Do you remember the first time we met...."
3 years ago

"Bye guys.. I'll see you after the holidays,"Luca waved at Leone and his friends as he walked out of the VIP room.
"Did you like hanging out hanging out with my friends?" Hardin asked as he walked beside his best friend down the secluded hallway
" I liked it," Luca nodded and smiled.
Hardin  had invited him to hang out with his friends for Halloween before they were to leave for the holidays. Luca had met them a couple of times but didn't talk that much till now
" So.. do you want to hang out at my place or..?" Hardin questioned
"... Let's get drinks by the bar first then we move on from there," Luca suggested as he moved in front of Hardin out of the VIP section and into the crowded bar. Hardin sat by the chair next to his best friend as they waited for the bartender.
It had been about 30 minutes and the guys had taken shots that totalled to 10. Hardin who had the larger portion of the shots, was oddly clam, whilst Luca was clearly wasted. They moved from the bar to the couch by the corner which is a more comfortable space. Luca carelessly grazed the dancing crowd as he bobbed his head to the rhythm of the loud music. Hardin, on the other end, had his eye on one of the girls in the crowd. He'd been watching her for the past couple of minutes and he was attracted to her. There were no guys near her, just two girls - he presumed her friends, so he knew she was alone for the night. She was a good 7-inches shorter than him . She could be three years or so younger than him, around Luca's age maybe. What'd first caught his attention was her sexy vampire Halloween costume. Her long hair cascaded down her distinct curves. She was slender but definitely curvy. He was intrigued by her sexy body.She swayed her hips to the music and was completely unaware of the dark eyes staring at her. He was very curious to find out what her face look like, so patiently waited for his prey to turn around. Luckily one of the girls she was dancing with spined her around and that's when her got a glimpse of her face.
|The girl from the bench| his mind screamed. It had already been nearly a decade but he could recognize that face anywhere
|She's not just prey anymore|
He needed to make a move .
"Hey um.....imma go for a dance. I'll be back ," he tapped Luca's shoulder , his eyes still pinned on her. Luca stared at his friend confused , his curious eyes followed Hardin's gaze till he pin pointed his stare to a particularly beautiful girl.
"Oh i see you staring,"he cocked his head to the girl,"are you gonna fuck her then dip too?"
Hardin tore his gaze from the girl for a split second and glared at the other ,"excuse me"
"What?" He scoffed,"you know its true , that's what you and your friends do" he shrugged
|This one is not going to be just a good fuck| he kept staring at her till Luca spoke again
"You must really be into her,"he are an eyebrow,"okay let's do this. First to fuck her wins"he offered,"we each get a turn to dance with her and the person who fucks this girl first wins,"he offered a bet
"And what if i win?" Hardin smirked , letting his ego outweigh his childlike heart.
"Then you can do whatever you please with her,"he slurred,"and if i win then it's the same,"he stuck out a hand,"deal?"
Hardin glanced at the girl , he knew he was going to win the bet over his friend, he always did .
End of flashback
..."I won the bet,i fucked you first,"he stated so bluntly. It hurt Sydney how losing her virginity that night was all just a bet. She did remember dancing with Hardin that night but left with Luca.
"So i was just a bet to you!" She exclaimed angrily"you used me for some stupid bet?!"her anger only grew.
"Yes but thats not what it's like now. Feelings are different."he quickly answered, "but he used you to get back at me . He used you to get revenge."
"That's kinda petty Luca" Sydney said in disbelief
"You don't know Hardin like i do Syd!"he exclaimed frustratedly,"he has a messed up mentality! He would do anything to feed his demons! He might be your perfect little boyfriend now,"he clenched his jaw as he spoke,"but he's not how you think he is. Him and his friends.. they're messed up. He uses women - violently then tosses them away once he's done with them. They all do. He's keeping you to get to me"
"Then what are you doing here "Rose interrupted, glaring at him
"I didn't come to the club to look for you. I came here because I'm looking for Hardin so I can confront him face to face,"he stated
"He's not here,"Vanessa answered
"Yes he is . I tracked his phone here,"he turned to Rose,"don't tell me you don't see him coming in here"
"No i don't" Rose shook her head
"Of fuck c'mon . He's a shareholder here!".
|So he's the seventh shareholder?!| Rose realised.
Sydney turned to Rose , her eye pleading for her to deny any if this,"Rose is it true?"
"I ...i don't know. I've never seen him in there,"she testified honestly
"What about what he said about his friends . It's a lie.... Right?" Sydney's voice cracked.
"I-its true . They are the manwhores i told you about. They-"
Without warning, Luca harshly took a hold of her wrists and  dragged her back into the bar. She reluctantly clawed and wriggled to get out of his grasp but he was too strong. He dragged her through the crowded dance floor down the secluded hallway and stopped right in front of the VIP door. "There!" Luca angrily exclaimed "go ask him yourself. "
Sydney stare at the door frozen on her spot. She didn't want to believe that any of this is true. She didn't want her heart break again. She didn't want to believe that he would use her for a bet but she also knew that Luca wouldn't lie to her. Without getting a reply Luca slammed the door open all six of the guys inside the VIP room got startled at the sound of the door smashing against the wall. They were even more surprised to see Luca march into the room.
"I though he was dead or something.." Seth whispered to Jake who's eyes widened when he saw Sydney walk into the room as well , she looked pissed.
"Shit is about to get real,"Jake muttered under his breath.
Luca didn't even bother to spare any of them a glance and marched straight to his target sitting in the far corner.
"You!" Luca pulled Hardin off the couch by the collar. Hardin who was visibly drunk simply stared at him with a smug grin on his lips. He swatted Luca's hands away , stumbling a but before gaining balance .
"Hey best friend,back from hiding i see"he smirked cocking his head to the side. His eyes widened for a split second when he saw an angry Sydney behind Luca before they returned to normal .
"Oh hey babe" he said with a poker face
"Don't "hey babe " Sydney. Tell her the fucking truth you asshole!"he pointed at the older,"tell her that you were using her to get back at me. Tell her that you were using her to feed your absurd ego that couldn't handle losing to me three fucking years ago you immature asshole!"
Hardin was infuriated by this . He wasn't using her for a bet . He wanted her , he craved for her - he was obsessed. How could Luca say suck a thing? He looked at Sydney, she has a pleading look in her eyes , begging for him to say it's just a lie. That he loved her. He was about to do just that when a force stopped him. It wasn't a physical force, no. It was her, the voice that controlled him . The demon he couldn't tame.
|Are you going to open up just like that?!|the voice snarled

|Are you going to leave yourself vulnerable like that?! Are you going to let them all know that she is your weakness. You're going to let them know you love this girl? What's so different about her!|

"She was just a good fuck" he said instead. He glanced at her and his eyes met her broken expression, he regretted it. But he couldn't stop , she was in control.
"Excuse me?" A tear made its way down her cheek as she looked at him. How could she be so dumb to give herself so easily to him?
"Of course babe" he smiled sadistically,"you didn't actually think i loved you, did you? Your little boyfriend is right - you were just a good fuck. In the end  I won."he laughed by himself,"you're so naive ! You're just like every other girl we've fucked here. All i gave you was a little taste, you couldn't resist it could you? Just a mingling little slut-"
"Stop it !" Luca exclaimed angrily as he swung a fist towards Hardin just in time for him to catch it
"I'd watch that hand if i were you,"he glared at him,"would you seriously risk our friendship for a bet!" He pointed an angry finger at Sydney,"we agreed that it'd just be a duck and dip and now look at you. You look pathetic,"he spat out,"over little tween slut"
"Shut the fuck up Hardin!" Leone exclaimed angrily as he stepped Infront of Syd,"stop slut shaming her! Just admit that you were jealous of him all along . That he got the girl you couldn't.You might be saying she's just a whore but why is it affecting you so much huh?"he breathed out angrily,"you would never act this way if it were any of the other girls. Why get so worked up over her. You're obsessed Hardin! Admit it"
"You're right , why would I get worked up over just a girl,"he turned to Sydney,"she means nothing to me"
"If i mean nothing to you ,"Sydney finally spoke up,"then this thing between us is over"
"There was never anything between us. As i said you were just a good fuck"
Leone suddenly grabbed her hand,"let's get out of here,"he whispered in her ear.
She gladly took the offer. She didn't want to be anywhere him. With a single nod, Leone took Syd out of the tension filled triangle and walked out of the VIP room.
"Are you proud of what you've done Hardin,"Luca spoke out,"you took what's mine when you knew how much i love her"
"She's not yours!"Hardin yelled frustratedly,"she's mine!"
|Only Mine|
"She's not yours . You said it yourself she means nothing to you . "Luca snarled
"She's mine" Hardin repeated,"only Mine"
"She's not yours Hardin" Seth interfered,"not after what you did "
Without a single word Hardin stromed out of the room.
|She's mine. Only Mine|

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