Chapter 67

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It was silent for a long moment before Alice finally spoke. "It doesn't matter what I show you." She pulled her hand sharply from Aro's grip. "Even when you see, you still won't change your decision." She turned to meet my eyes, whispering only one word, but it was the only one that mattered in this moment. "Now!"

I knew it was time. Renesmee looked down at me from where she sat atop Jacob, her gaze confused and worried. I gave her hand a firm squeeze before I moved to stand before Jacob, who raised his head in kind to meet my gaze. "Take care of my daughter." And as he turned and ran with my daughter holding firmly onto him, I felt my heart shatter, knowing that it would be the last time I saw her. 

"Get them!" Caius demanded the Guard.

Alice landed a firm kick to Aro's chest, sending him flying back. When he gained his footing and stood, Alice turned to run, but she got no farther than a step before the Guard had her firmly within their grasp. She struggled against them, but it was of no use. They were stronger than she was, and she knew it. 

"Take her away." Aro commanded.

Jasper struggled against the members of the Guard who held him back, though he did not get far, either. Carlisle stepped forward. "Let her go!" 

In anger, he rushed forward, getting through two of the Guard before jumping into the air to meet Aro head-on. They both landed, though it was only Aro left standing, and in his hand was Carlisle's head, detached completely from his body. Aro grinned wickedly as we looked on in horror and utter disbelief. And when Caius lit Carlisle's body with the torch, we rushed forward, engaging in the fight that I knew had been inevitable all along. 

Aro raised his hands, a silent signal for the Guard to move in, as well. The wolves followed quickly after. Various members of the Guard were quickly taken down by both vampires and wolves alike. As Jane focused in on Jasper, I did the same, forcing my shield away from my body to protect him as he fought, though I was quickly taken down by Alec. 

I was able to fight him off, but it wasn't enough, for Jasper was quickly eliminated. Alice screamed in response, fighting as hard as she could, but still unable to get away. Emmett made short work of ending Alec's life as Jane watched on helplessly as Alice was finally able to get away from her captors. As Seth moved in to take care of Demitri, Jane used her power against him, crippling him before he was killed. 

The howl that Leah released was heartbreaking to listen to. I was locked in to a fight against two of the Guard, and Edward was pinned to the ground by another. Benjamin cried out, breaking the earth into two as he slammed his fist into the ground. It was enough of a distraction and an aid for me to fend off my attacker by shoving him back into the deep chasm below. 

Esme was dragged over the edge, struggling to get a grip on anything that would give her purchase. And though Leah was able to save her, it was at the cost of her own life. I nearly lost it completely as I realized that Edward was still fighting with his own attacker, but the ground was still cracking apart, and he was going to be taken down by it completely. It lasted only a few seconds before I fell to the ground, utterly relieved that he had managed to climb back out, taking down Demitri in the process. 

Jane was one of the only ones left standing, and Alice was absolutely determined to change that. I kept my gaze locked on to her as I protected her. Knowing that she was going to lose, Jane began to run, though she did not get far by any means. Alice was suddenly before her, one hand tightly around her throat. Sam walked slowly toward them, a detached hand hanging limply between his teeth. Alice quite literally threw Jane to the wolves, watching on in satisfaction as her life ceased. 

Aro was furious, but he only continued to watch the events play out before him. Caius made a beeline for Tanya, but she was joined by Garrett, and then Kate, who incapacitated him with her gift. With a smug smile, Tanya separated the top half of his jaw from the lower in a rather gruesome manner. Marcus looked rather relieved to be so close to death, despite everything. As Vladimir and Stefan charged him from both sides, he held out his arms, and said, "Finally."

Completely enraged at this point, Aro crossed the field to engage in the fight. I rushed forward, but was thrown back by Aro. My rough landing took both Edward and I to the ground as Aro once again began to come for us. Edward glanced at me as we stood and I matched his gaze evenly, taking his hand firmly in mine. 

Edward swung me around so that I was able to land a kick to Aro's jaw, before I jumped over him to force him back to Edward. Edward placed Aro into a headlock, though Aro maneuvered until Edward's arms were held back before he tried to kill Edward himself. And if it had not been for me standing atop Aro's shoulders in an attempt to remove his head from his body, he would have been successful. 

Still locked within my hold, Edward took Aro to the ground, allowing me to finally cease Aro's existence once and for all by detaching his head and using my pyrokinetic ability to quickly surround it in flames. 

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