Chapter 57

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"Carlisle, she's too still." Edward's tone was laced with worry as he gripped my shoulders tightly, trying almost desperately to shake me from my thoughts. "Jess, love, I need you to look at me."

"It must be her gift," Carlisle mused quietly. "I wonder if the mask she wears was enhanced during the change."

Edward's face then appeared in my line of sight. "Jess, please," he begged. "Look at me."

The time seemed to pass by rather slowly as my mind continued to race. Though I never moved my eyes away from the carpet, I could see the sunlight drifting gradually across the floorboards as the hours ticked by. Soon, my thoughts finally began to turn to Edward, and then he was all that I wanted. I knew that he was worried about me; they all were. Edward's grip on my hand was firm as he stayed next to me over the course of the day. Finally, after about four hours had elapsed, I broke away from my continuous cycle of raging thoughts and feelings.

Edward's eyes had faded slightly in color, but only infinitesimally. They were darker than they were before, and I suddenly felt horribly guilty for what I had put him through. If I was not a vampire with enhanced sight, I would not have noticed the shift in color at all. Jasper and Carlisle were speaking quietly in one corner of the room, and I heard my name brought up more than once. I half expected to feel stiff and sore from my lack of movement for so long, but there was no such sensation.

"Edward." My family's eyes all turned to me as I spoke his name, my voice quiet.

His lips brushed against my own for only a fraction of a second before I was pulled forward into his arms. "Love, you had me worried."

"I'm sorry," I whispered, not really sure what else to say in response.

Carlisle moved to stand before me, his eyes troubled and his expression concerned. "How are you feeling?"

I took a deep breath, frowning slightly as I shifted carefully through my emotions. "I don't know what happened. One minute I was fine, and then..." I shook my head, turning to place my head against Edward's chest as I spoke. "I was so close..."

Edward's own voice was as quiet as mine. "But you stopped, and that's the important thing." He moved his hands to rest on my shoulders, gently leaning me back until I was looking up at him. "Jess, this behavior is normal for newborns. We all went through it."

I lowered my gaze as I took yet another deep breath. "Is there something wrong with me?" At their confused expressions, I continued on. "Jasper said that he could no longer sense my emotions."

"It just means that you have an incredible gift, love." Edward reassured me. He wrapped his arms around me again, and I couldn't help but faintly smile as he pulled me close to him. "It's something none of us have seen before."

Carlisle and Jasper took me hunting early the next morning. I had asked them both to come along, just so they could ensure that nothing would happen. When we returned, Edward and Jacob both stepped outside as Carlisle and Jasper went into the house.

"You're still here?" I questioned Jacob.

He only shrugged in response to my question. "I didn't expect you to seem so... you." He took a breath before continuing on. "It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first." Jacob stated.

"Since when do you care about Renesmee?" Edward and Jacob both exchanged a look that did not go unnoticed by me. But before I could question them on it and ask them what was going on, Jacob spoke again.

"Take a whiff." Jacob took a few steps closer, his dark eyes cautious.

Edward moved his arm around my waist as he grinned widely at my disgusted reaction to Jacob's smell. "Do you want to come meet our daughter?"

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