Chapter 36

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It was really more due to utter stubbornness rather than a lack of trying on his part, but Edward was rather unsuccessful in trying to stop me from getting onto the back of Jacob's waiting motorcycle. He also knew very well that there was nothing he could do to stop me without causing a scene.

Jacob turned his head back just enough for me to see the smirk he was sporting as he turned the key in the ignition. "Hey, lose the grin, Jacob." I told him. "We're just going for a ride."

He only grinned wider as he handed me a black helmet. "Hold on tight."

Before too long, Jacob pulled the motorcycle to a stop in front of Emily's house. I gave him a hesitant look as I dismounted. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" With an exhalation of breath, I turned back to face him as the pack members began running out the door to greet us. "I am the vampire girl, remember?"

"Hey, look who's back!" Embry called out with a wide smile.

"Quil," I started, surprised to see him standing among the others. "You too?"

Quil grinned back at me. "Finally made the pack." This resulted in a grin from Jacob and a round of laughter from the others.

"I'm glad you're here, Jess," Embry spoke again. "Maybe now we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

Paul leaned forward as he, too, spoke. "'I wish Jess would call'".

They all chimed in to tease him. "'I wish Jess wouldn't call'", "'Maybe I should call Jess.'", even "'Maybe I should call Jess and hang up'".

I turned my gaze to Jacob's face, only to see him shaking his head at them. "All right, you can shut up now."

It was then that a brown-haired girl wearing a white, collared tank-top and cut off jeans emerged from the house, her expression becoming hateful as she glanced at me.

"Jess," Jacob spoke again. "This is Leah Clearwater, Harry's daughter."

My expression quickly became blank as I looked back at her, not at all liking the look she was continuing to give me. She watched me for only a moment longer before saying, "If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave."

Jacob gave me a knowing look as she stalked off. "Fun, isn't she?"

But before I could say anything to him in response, Sam and Emily came out of the house and stepped off the porch. "Jess, hi!" Emily called out.

She quickly and firmly embraced me, though I hesitantly returned it. I had not seen her since I found out about Jacob being a werewolf, so I was not as comfortable around her as my sister was. "Hey," I returned the greeting once she had released me.

"I was wondering when we would see your face around here again," Emily continued as she returned to standing by Sam's side.

Jacob turned his gaze to Sam, and asked if they were good, but I wasn't sure what exactly he was referring to.

"We're good," Sam stated as he looked at me. "She won't be getting through our line any time soon."

I realized then they were speaking of Victoria, and her constant appearances back and forth over the treaty line. As the others took off, I watched them go. I saw Leah standing a few feet away, giving me another hateful expression. Within seconds, she had transformed into a wolf and was running off after the others. Pressing my lips together, I turned to face Jacob, who picked up on my silent cue that I wanted nothing more than to leave.

"So when did Leah join the pack?" I asked as I walked with Jacob to his shed.

"Around when her dad died. Her brother, Seth, also phased. He's only 15, and one of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying, but he's chomping at the bit." With a sigh, Jacob continued to explain. "I wish it was Leah who would stay home."

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