Chapter 44

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Neither one of us spoke for a while after that. Edward was definitely curious, that much I could tell, but I also knew that he would not pressure me into talking about it if I did not want to, much less if I wasn't ready. Jacob, however, was persistent, unfortunately.

"Depression?" he questioned finally. "You're depressed? Does Bella know? Does Charlie?" But when I did not respond, Jacob continued on. "You haven't told them, have you?"

"Jacob." Edward spoke up. There was a slight undertone to his voice, warning him not to press the issue.

My eyes had quickly grown heavy as the silence had ensued, and I could feel myself beginning to slowly slip closer and closer towards unconsciousness with every moment that passed. Edward seemed to have sensed that as well, for he moved to carefully return me to the sleeping bag he had laid out for me. My body had warmed considerably under the blanket, trapping the heat when I had pulled it over my head. Just before I was fully asleep, I felt the quick brush of Edward's lips over my own.

I don't know what time it was as I slowly began to wake from my sleep, but I could sense that it was rather early in the morning. I kept my eyes closed, hoping that I would soon return to sleep, as I was still tired. The wind was still howling, but it definitely was not as strong as it had been before. I pulled my hands underneath my blanket, pulling it closer to my body as I shifted into a more comfortable position.

"Can you at least attempt to control your thoughts?" Edward hissed at Jacob. His voice was just quiet enough that, if I had truly been asleep, it would not have roused me in the slightest.

With my eyes still closed, I listened to them speak. I knew that if Edward suddenly realized that I was awake, he wouldn't exactly be too happy with my lack of sleep.

"I really get under that ice cold skin of yours, don't I?" Jacob asked snidely. "What?" He questioned after a brief second of silence. "Are you doubting her feelings for you?" Edward did not respond to that, so Jacob continued on again. "Nice. So picking through my brain is okay, but letting me into yours... forget it." There was still no response from Edward. Jacob seemed to be slowly getting closer to annoyance as he spoke. "Look, I know she's in love with you."

That finally triggered an answer from Edward, though his voice was strained. "Good."

"But I know that she's in love with me, too. She just won't admit it to herself."

If Edward hadn't responded then, I would have sat up and told Jacob to drop that idea, that he was wrong. Every time he brought it up, it further triggered my annoyance and anger. "I can't tell if you're wrong or not."

"Then let me ask you something," Jacob replied. "If she chooses me-"

"She won't," Edward cut in. Even though my eyes were still closed, I could tell that he was watching me.

Jacob's tone was full of curiosity as he spoke his next words. "If she did, would you try to kill me?"

I could almost hear the smile in his tone as Edward told Jacob that it was a rather intriguing idea. "But no. I could never hurt her like that."

Jake's tone was now fully annoyed, almost angry. "So you would just turn her into a blood-sucking demon like you?"

With every snide comment that Jacob continued to make, I came ever closer to opening my eyes and telling him to either stop talking or to get out of the tent altogether. But once again, Edward's words stopped me from actually doing so.

"I don't want that," he denied. "I never wanted that." At Jacob's comment for him to stop me, Edward responded with, "I tried. I left."

Jacob then told Edward that he had given up too quickly. "If you had stayed away another six months, I could have made her happy, trust me. You have to consider the idea that I might be better for her than you are."

Edward's next words were quietly spoken. "I have considered that." He paused for only half a second before continuing on. "I know you can protect her. But you can give her a life... a human life. That's all I want for her. I'm not... I'm not going to force her into anything ever again. The last time I tried, it almost killed us both."

"Yeah," Jacob sighed then. "That I remember." When he remained silent, I assumed he was sifting through his thoughts. "When you thought she was gone, that you'd lost her, how did you... cope?"

I could feel sleep trying to overtake me again, but I was both curious and nervous to hear what Edward would say in response to Jacob's question.

"There are no words," Edward started slowly. "But I wouldn't wish it on anyone, Jacob. This might sound odd, but I'm glad you're here."

Jacob released a breath. "She could still change her mind, you know."

And with those words, I had finally heard enough. I was now fully annoyed that Jacob absolutely refused to drop the subject of me changing my mind about Edward. I sat up and pushed myself closer to Edward as I glanced at Jacob and told him to get out. I could sense that Edward was watching me closely.

"How long have you been awake?" Jacob asked me. There was a very subtle hint of panic in his eyes as he realized I had heard everything he had said to Edward.

I glared at him. "Long enough. Now, please, get out."

I unzipped the tent, rubbing my hands together as I stepped out. There was snow covering every inch of the area around us, and I absolutely hated it. I may have grown used to the rain, but I certainly had not accepted the snow.

Seth trotted up in his wolf form, looking at me. I gave him a grateful smile as I wrapped my arms around me, trying to stay warm. "Hey, Seth." Edward came up the hill then, frowning at me as he realized that I wasn't wearing my coat.

He pulled me close to him, sighing as he wrapped his arms around me. "I really wish you would sleep a while longer, love. You've been up since two in the morning."

I only hummed quietly in response as I leaned against him. "Is Jacob gone yet?" I questioned after a brief second of silence.

"Not yet," Edward responded as he looked down at me.

Sighing, I then asked, "Can you tell him to speed his departure along? I would really like him gone."

A faint smirk crossed Edward's lips as he rubbed my arms, kissing the top of my head. "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." He watched as Seth began to disappear behind some trees before slowly looking back at me and sighing again.

"Did Jacob say anything else before I actually woke up?"

"No," Edward replied. "But if it makes you happy, it's not on my list of top ten favorite evenings."

He grinned in response to my slight smirk. "You have a list?"

"All ten I spent with you," he told me, ducking his head to kiss me again. "Number one is when you said you'd marry me... Mrs. Cullen."

My lips pressed together into a tight line as I tried to fight back a smile, though I failed miserably. Edward smiled as he watched me. "This is the twenty-first century," I stated as I smirked up at him. "I at least want to hyphenate my name."

"You're marrying him?"

Both Edward and I turned at the sight of Jacob standing a few feet away, and I noted the furious expression on his face. "Not that it's any of your concern," I told him, my own expression just as angry. "But yes." It dawned on me then that Edward had known all along that Jacob had been listening. Though I couldn't quite bring myself to care.

"He deserves to know," Edward told me quietly once I glanced at him.

Jacob turned and stalked off, and I groaned before following after him.

"Jess-" Edward started, reaching out for me.

"Don't!" I responded as I pulled away. "Jacob!" I called out, hurrying after him.

"I'm done! I'm so done!" Jacob turned to face me, his eyes blazing.

"What do you want me to do?" I yelled back as my own anger flared up again. "Call it off? Abandon everything that I care about just so you can be happy?"

He only shook his head at me. "You've done enough."

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