Chapter 51

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Angela was snapping picture after picture of us as Edward and I emerged from the house, hand in hand. Alice had carefully returned my dress to its protective bag as I hurried to change into a knee-length tan dress with a black leather bow tied around the waist. The guests were now all gathered near the front of the house, cheering and clapping. Some of them tossed grains of rice into the air around us as I moved to embrace my mother and sister.

"He really won't tell you where he's taking you?" Bella questioned, though I guessed she already knew.

My lips curled into a smile as I looked back at him, speaking with Carlisle and Esme. "No, it's a surprise."

"Well," my mother continued, picking out a grain of rice from my hair. "Wear a hat... and sunscreen. Take care of yourself."

"I will." With a shaky breath, I wrapped my arms tightly around them both. "I love you both, so much." I pulled back to see Alice standing a few feet behind them, a smile of her own on her face, her hands clasped together. "Everything is packed and ready to go," she told me.

"Okay." As Alice walked away, I caught sight of my father standing near the base of a tree, watching me. I looked back to mom and Bella. "I guess I should talk to dad before I leave. He looks like he's about to cry."

"Well," he said as I neared his side, smiling lightly. "It's gonna be strange, with you not living under my roof anymore."

I laughed quietly, once again feeling the tears well up in my eyes. I wondered briefly how many more times I would cry before the night finally ended. I was surprised I even had any tears left at all after all of the crying I had done today. "Yeah, it's gonna be strange for me, too. But at least you have Bella. You won't be completely alone."

Dad gave me a questioning look. "You know that it will always be your home, right?"

He held me close as I wrapped my arms around him, holding tightly. I was reluctant to let go, but he finally pushed me back, telling me not to miss my flight, wherever it was going. With one last embrace for Bella and my mother, I walked to Edward's side.

I took yet another deep breath, buckling securely into the car before looking over at him. "You ready?" he asked me with a smile.

Taking his hand, I nodded. "Yeah." I turned my eyes to the window of the car, seeing both of my families standing there, along with my friends, each of them smiling widely. "Yeah, I think I am."

Rio de Janeiro, or at least the parts of it that I had seen as we drove through the streets sitting in the back of a cab, was stunning. There were so many aspects of it that I wanted to explore, but that would have to wait.

Edward's arm was across my shoulders as I sat close to him, feeling utterly exhausted. He had told me countless times on the plane that I could sleep, but I had continuously refused. I didn't want to miss a second of this experience with him.

Edward spoke to the driver in Portuguese, who pulled off to the side of the road. With a smile, Edward stepped from the car before taking my hand after I was next to him, leading me across the street to where a crowd of people were dancing.

A grin crossed my face as he ducked his head to kiss me, sweeping my hair off my shoulder. After a while of walking the streets, Edward guided me to a marina, where he placed our bags into a small boat after helping me into it.

With pursed lips, I tapped my hands against my legs as I felt my curiosity and excitement growing as Edward grinned down at me. "We aren't staying in Rio?"

"No, we're just passing through." Edward took my hand, kissing the back of it before laughing at seeing the somewhat disappointed expression I wore.

"Can you give me a hint?" I questioned. "Are we close?"

He shook his head as he started the engine, still grinning. The boat ride was fairly short, only half an hour or so. Off in the distance, I saw an island, and I leaned forward a bit. "That's Isle Esme," Edward stated. "It was a gift from Carlisle."

After reaching the island, Edward shut off the engine, taking my hand as I stepped down onto the sand. As we walked across the weathered, wooden flooring of the outside lounge, Edward dropped the bags and rushed forward to scoop me up into his arms. I gasped before laughing at the sudden movement. "Is this really necessary?"

He only chuckled in response, kissing me briefly. "I am nothing if not traditional." He lowered me gently to the floor, and watched as I took a few steps forward, looking around the area. It was beautiful and elegantly styled, with large potted plants in nearly every corner of the room, and various chairs and tables placed perfectly around them. As he went to grab the rest of the bags, I wandered into a bedroom, running the netted curtains between my fingers, loving the rough texture.

"Are you tired?" Edward asked me when he returned. He snaked his arms around my waist, looking down at me.

"Yes," I sighed. "But I don't want to sleep."

Edward only chuckled at my response. "Love, you're exhausted."

"But I want to look around-"

"And we can do that tomorrow," he cut me off, kissing my lips. "You need to sleep." Edward was smirking now. "You're barely keeping your balance as it is without me holding on to you."

"Mm," I agreed as I leaned against his chest. "I can sleep later."

At this point, my eyes had begun to slip closed. I heard his quiet laughter as he lifted me into his arms again and began moving towards the bed. I felt the pillow underneath me, and frowned as I turned in his arms to protest.

"Shh," he cut me off, laughing again before placing a kiss to my forehead. "Sleep."

It was rather difficult for me to look back at my reflection only to see Edward standing behind me, looking as though he were regretting the events of the past week.

"How badly are you hurt?"

I kept my eyes away from his face as he pulled up the sleeve of the cotton robe I wore, brushing his fingers over the bruises discoloring my skin. As I turned to face him, he showed me another set of bruises also discoloring the skin along my shoulders.

"Jess, I can't tell you how sorry I am," Edward's voice was quiet and soft as he spoke the words. I could detect a strong hint of regret lacing his tone.

Pressing my lips together, I glanced away from the mirror, following him from the room. "Don't," I started. "They're just bruises, it isn't like they won't fade. I'm perfectly fine."

"Don't say that you're fine." Edward moved to sit on the edge of the bed, not meeting my eyes as I looked at him. His eyes were very clearly showing the regret he felt, and it triggered the beginnings of my frustration.

"Why are you ruining this for me?" I questioned.

"I've already ruined it," he responded, finally turning his eyes to my face.

My hands found their place at the roots of my hair, tugging almost painfully. As I turned to face the doors leading down to the beach outside, I sighed. "Why can't you see how perfectly happy I am? Or was five seconds ago. I'm actually kind of pissed now, so thanks for that."

Edward refused to meet my gaze again. "You should be angry with me."

"No, you don't get it!" I turned back to face him, both hands gripping tightly to the roots of my hair. "I don't want to be angry with you. That's not..." I cut off, my eyes locked on Edward's face as he continued to avoid my eyes once again. "Fine. If you want to continue to ruin this for me, then go right ahead." With a frustrated exhale of breath, I walked out of the room, making my way down the path to the beach. 

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