Chapter 7

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The only sounds to be heard at the moment were the crashing waves on the sand just a few yards away, and the crying of seagulls as they flew overhead. Angela was currently sitting in the passenger seat of Tyler's van, a thick blanket wrapped around her waist. Bella was situated on the floor behind the passenger seat, chewing on a piece of licorice. I was leaning up against the open door, shivering slightly from the cool temperature, but not caring enough to actually get in the van. Jessica, Mike, and Eric were gearing up in their wetsuits to go surfing.

"So," Angela spoke up. "I keep thinking that Eric's gonna ask me to the prom," Angela started, her head back against the door frame. 

I leaned forward to look at her. "You should ask him."

Bella glanced up at Angela now, too. "Take control. You're a strong, independent woman."


Jacob was standing before us, two of his friends in tow. They each had long, dark hair that hung past their shoulders. Bella made introductions to Jessica and Angela before looking back at him. Jacob, however, was watching me. He greeted me, though it was only to be polite, seeing as how he thought I wouldn't respond anyway.

"Hi, Jacob."

Evidently, my returned greeting surprised him. Bella was quick to indicate to Jacob not to ask the same question everyone else had: why had I suddenly started talking, after being silent for six years?

"What are you, like, stalking us?" Bella teased as Jacob sat next to her. 

Jacob snickered before responding. "You're on my rez, remember?"

Bella smiled at me, seeing my smirk before tossing a strand of licorice at me. It fell limply to the ground. 

"Are you guys surfing?" Jacob looked between us.

Bella scoffed as I answered. "Definitely not. It's too cold for that."

Jessica chimed in, her eyes turning to me. "You guys should keep Jess company. She only tagged along because she didn't want to be stuck at home on a Saturday."

And just like that, my good mood was gone. My sister's eyes darkened with anger and a slight touch of sadness at seeing me resort to my mask, once again going silent. Jacob glanced at me, but didn't say anything.

Bella turned and gave Jessica a dirty look before telling her off. "It was either this or going fishing with my dad. And besides, Jess doesn't like to be out on open water when there's a storm coming." 

Mike eyed me as he spoke. "Why's that? She freak out or something?"

"Just leave her alone," Bella snapped. "She has her reasons."

"I figured she was going to invite Edward yesterday when he started talking to her," Jessica's tone was now fully annoyed. 

One of Jacob's friends spoke up. "The Cullen's don't come here."

I turned my gaze to the boy who had spoken. His eyes were dark, almost black. There was a double meaning in his words, though I didn't know what it meant. My sister must have picked up on that as well, for when I looked her way, she was already looking back.

After a while, Bella began to sense my discomfort with being around her friends after Jessica's comment, as well as Mike's, so she quickly decided we should take a walk along the shoreline of the beach. She asked Jacob if he wanted to come along as well, knowing he probably would.

"What did your friends mean about, you know, 'The Cullen's don't come here?'" 

Jacob looked at us before answering. "You caught that, huh?" 

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