Chapter 31

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The warning in Aro's eyes was very clear: Do not refuse. Refusing, however, was all that I wanted to do, almost desperately. But I had a feeling that Aro would not take too kindly to my refusal, so I took a deep breath and stepped slowly forward, hesitating for only a moment before placing my hand into his own. I did not have to look back to see the subdued expressions of worry I knew both Edward and Alice would be wearing; their lingering gazes were proof enough of that.

Aro wrapped his hands firmly around my own, his wide smile fading quickly as he ducked his head in concentration, closing his eyes as he did so. It was silent for only a second, though it seemed to last almost an eternity. Aro raised his head again, his eyes studying the blank expression I was wearing as I watched him.

"Interesting." His voice was toneless as he spoke, his gaze flickering behind me as he took in Edward's expression. "I see nothing." Aro stepped back, turning away as his expression shifted to one of curiosity.

I had a nagging suspicion that Aro was not quite finished with me just yet. Edward reached out, placing one hand on my shoulder as he guided me back to his side. He took my hand in his, wrapping the other arm around my waist securely.

"I wonder if..." Aro turned back around, his focus solely on me. "Let us see if she's immune to all our powers." He then turned his attention to Jane. "Shall we?"

Jane glanced at me, a subtle smirk crossing her features. Alec was sporting the exact same expression as his sister was. It was very clear to me that they were rather excited about what was to come.

"No!" Edward rushed forward, his voice filled with unrestrained anger.

Jane spoke only a single word, and her expression was smug with her eyes never once leaving Edward's face. "Pain."

The second the word was said, Edward froze immediately where he was. His body was trembling violently, his muscles rippling under the unseen force that Jane had placed upon him. Jane lowered her head slightly, her smirk widening as she kept her gaze on him.

Alice moved quickly, almost blurring as she hurried to restrain me, as she had seen me make the decision to intervene on Edward's behalf. There was absolutely nothing that I could do but watch in silent horror and desperation as Edward suffered, his expression tortured. But it was only seconds later that Edward collapsed to the ground, no longer able to stand as he further endured Jane's relentless power.

"Stop!" Alice's tone was pleading, and her eyes were locked onto me as I struggled against her iron-like grip. "Please! Stop!" She finally released me before moving to her brother's side, though I was unable to do the same, for Alec had taken Alice's place in restraining me from moving any closer to where Edward lay, still shuddering. However, Jane did not stop. She only continued, making Alice turn to face her, her tone utterly desperate as she spoke for me. "Stop! Just stop hurting him, please!"

"Jane?" Aro spoke her name quietly. The two seconds before she turned away from Edward felt absolutely endless.

Edward slowly relaxed as he lay there on the floor, gasping for breath after having gone without it for so long, despite the fact that he didn't necessarily need it anyway. I looked down at him, my mask crumbling slightly as I watched him, returning my gaze to Aro's face only when he spoke again.

"Go ahead, my dear." He instructed Jane. HIs hands were held together as he waited.

Once again, Jane's lips pulled back into the faintest of smirks. "This may hurt just a little."

As the seconds passed and I remained completely still, not at all reacting to her power, Jane's smirk dropped entirely from her face, her ruby gaze darkening slightly. I could see the anger building quickly in her eyes as she took a small step forward. Her concentration snapped as Aro laughed excitedly, clapping his hands together loudly.

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