Chapter 49

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"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice scolded me, shaking her head as she placed concealer under my eyes.

I could only sigh in response. "Sorry, my nerves kind of took over. It's wedding jitters." At Alice's probing look, I sighed again. "Fine, I had a bad dream."

Alice shook her head at me again as Rosalie entered the room, asking Alice if she needed any help. "I could do her hair."

As Alice began applying make-up to my face-she kept it simple, knowing I was not the biggest fan of it-Rosalie curled and twisted my hair into a simple yet elegant braided bun. I thought about everything Edward had said to me last night. I certainly hadn't lied about trusting him to keep me in line as a newborn, but I also had not exactly told him that I was somewhat freaked out by the idea of drinking blood, either.

"Alice? Jess?"

I smiled at the sound of my mother's voice carrying through the hallway and into Alice's room. It had been so long since I had last seen her. "In here, mom," I called out to her. She pressed her hands to her face in surprise at the sight of me. "You're so beautiful." Her mascara began to run slightly, but Alice was ready with a tissue for her. She half-turned back to face the door. "Charlie, get in here!"

"Are you sure?" he questioned uncertainly as he slowly made his way through the door. "I don't wanna..." Dad seemed hesitant to enter, though he did so anyway.

To say that I was taken by absolute surprise at seeing my father in a tux would have been a complete understatement. As he drew closer to us, I stood slowly, grinning up at him.

"I know," he shrugged, shaking his head. "I look hot."

"We thought you needed something blue," mom stated as dad opened a small, velvet box.

My father then made a comment about me also needing something old besides my mother, to which I bit back a smile. "It was Grandma Swan's."

"But we added the sapphires," mom added on.

I took the small hair comb from the box, admiring the diamonds and sapphires embedded into the surface. "It's beautiful. Thank you." I sat down on the chair I had been previously sitting on so Alice could place the comb into my hair. "It's your first family heirloom." Mom glanced at me in the mirror, clasping her hands together. "You can pass it on to your daughter, and her daughter..." Another round of tears stopped her from saying any more. I took a deep breath and turned my gaze to both Alice and Rosalie in the reflection of the mirror, who gave me knowing looks in return.

Once again rising from the chair, I turned to hug my mother, but Alice stopped me. "No smudging my masterpiece."

With a sigh, my mother relented. "She's right."

"Time for the dress!" Alice called out.

When Edward and I had told my sister that we were engaged, she had been surprised to say the least, as well as a bit worried that we were rushing into something, but she was overall accepting. This had been such an immense relief to me, as she had been my support system throughout the majority of my life. And while my parents' opinions did matter to me, it was Bella's opinion that I cared the most about. So naturally, I had asked her to tag along as I shopped for a dress. We had spent hours in one store looking over various designs and styles. After we had gone nearly three hours in the store, I became convinced that I would never find the perfect dress in time. I had sat down in a chair by a window, frustrated and exhausted, before I laid my eyes on the only dress I could see myself wearing. Alice, who hoped that I would still change my mind about the dress, had held onto the one she had custom designed for me. When I made the decision to stick with what I had chosen, she only shrugged, claiming that Bella would be more willing.

As Alice unzipped the bag to show my parents and Rosalie my dress, I fell in love with it all over again. The dress I had chosen was an ivory color with a tulle skirt, beaded flowers along the waistline, and three-quarter length sleeves. It was designed with an A-line neck and a short, rounded train.

Not even twenty minutes later, I found myself waiting in Carlisle's study for the moment when I would begin my walk down the aisle. My nerves were slowly beginning to heighten, and it took everything within me to not break down into a panic attack right then and there. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to center my mind and focus on staying calm, following Carlisle's instructions. He had suggested I do this whenever I was feeling overwhelmed by my anxiety.

Dad suddenly appeared next to me, sighing as he asked if I was ready.

"I know I hardly ever say it," I started, slowly turning my gaze to meet his own. "But I love you, dad."

He looked out the doors at the waiting guests, shaking his head once. "You're gonna make me cry, kid."

As the song Alice had picked out for the beginning of the procession began playing, my chest tightened as we made our slow walk down the aisle. I held the bouquet of white roses tightly, increasing the grip I had on my father's arm until my knuckles were white. But the second I locked eyes with Edward, who was standing before the altar smiling, I felt my nerves dwindle away to nothing. They were replaced with all the love I felt for him as my mind began to race through all the times I had spent with him, wondering what I could have done to deserve someone as perfect as him. Dad leaned over to kiss my cheek before placing my hand carefully in Edward's. I stepped up next to him, holding tightly to his hand. His grip was comforting, as well as secure.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the minister began. "We are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Jess Swan." He turned to face us. "Please repeat after me."

Edward's smile never left his face as we recited our vows. I kept my eyes locked with his, and as we both said "I do", he ducked his head to kiss me. As his lips met with mine, I smiled, feeling the sense of belonging once again wash over me.

Edward stepped forward to greet Seth as he neared us at the reception, and I smiled as he embraced me. Billy wheeled his way up to us next, Sue Clearwater and my father just behind him.

"I hope you'll be happy, Jess," Billy looked up at me.

"Thank you, Billy." My smile faded a bit as I asked if he had heard from Jacob at all.

"I'm sure Jake wishes you all the best," was all he replied with. I pursed my lips in response and sighed. Edward's grip on my waist tightened as he looked down at me. Dad began to walk away, stating he was planning on getting a few glasses of champagne.

"Jess," A woman with long and wavy brown hair was making her way towards us.

I turned my eyes to Edward's face, a curious expression on my own as I silently questioned who this woman was.

Edward introduced me to his cousins from Alaska. "Jess, this is Eleazar and his wife, Carmen, and this is Tanya and Kate." The two latter women were both blonde and stunningly beautiful.

"We've heard so much about you," Kate stated with a smile crossing her face.

Carmen turned to another blonde-haired woman who was standing a few feet away. "Irina, come meet Jess."

The woman, Irina, appeared hesitant as she slowly stepped forward, seemingly almost uncomfortable. "I can't do this," Irina whispered to Carmen. Her gaze turned to where Seth was standing, her expression that of barely restrained anger. "They invited one."

Edward tightened his hold on me, sensing my nerves as I slowly began to shut down at her words. "Irina, he's our friend." He defended the wolves' actions, telling her that Laurent had tried to kill me.

Irina took a step forward, claiming that she did not believe his words. "He wanted to be like us. He wanted to live in peace with humans... with me."

I could only lower my gaze as Irina turned and walked away, and Carmen called out after her. Edward turned to look at me, his expression softening in worry at seeing my now blank expression. "Do you want to head inside for a while?"

With a deep breath, I pursed my lips and slowly declined. Edward cupped my face before he leaned down to kiss me. "Come on," he took my hand. "Emmett wants to start the speeches."

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