Chapter 3

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Dad took us out to the Carver Café for dinner that night. Bella did not mention anything to dad about what had happened at school today, for which I was silently grateful. Not only would I not have answered any of my father's questions, but I was certainly not in the mood for discussing boys with him or anyone else.

"I just can't get over how grown up you two are," a waitress said as she placed our meals down on the table then. "And so gorgeous."

"Hey, Bella, Jess," A balding man walked up to the table, a warm smile on his face. "You remember me? I played Santa one year."

"Yeah, Waylon," dad spoke up, his gaze catching Bella's and mine briefly before looking back at the man in front of us. "They haven't had a Christmas here since they were three and four."

Waylon looked hopeful as he stated that he was sure he made an impression, to which dad responded that he always did. Bella snickered before saying "Butt-crack Santa?", a smirk on her face.

The waitress then pushed Waylon away. "All right, let the girls eat their garden burgers, Waylon." She leaned forward a bit, giving my sister and I another smile. "As soon as you both are done, I will bring you your favorites. Cherry pie and berry cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it," she informed us, eyeing our father. "Every Thursday."

"Thank you. That'd be great." Bella turned her eyes to me before looking at dad. She reached for the ketchup at the same time dad did.

"Here," dad lifted the bottle and placed it down on the table next to her.

They both began eating while I, on the other hand, merely gazed out the window, occasionally eating a fry or two. After what had occurred, I did not have much of an appetite. Today had definitely been rough, to say the least. First, it was Tyler's invasion of space. Then it was the way Edward Cullen watched me, his pitch black eyes filled with so much hatred... hatred I did not deserve. I had done nothing wrong, not to him at least. There was absolutely no reason for Edward Cullen to despise me as strongly as he so clearly did. With a heavy sigh, I pushed my plate away and crossed my arms as I leaned back in my seat.

"You're not going to eat?" dad questioned me as he lowered his fork to the table.

Bella's face was cautious as she responded. "She, um..." Her eyes flickered quickly to my face and away, her brows furrowing in worry at the blank stare I was returning. "Jess hasn't really been eating much of anything lately."

For a moment, dad did not comment. He looked between the two of us before speaking. "Why not?" He leaned forward over the table, one elbow resting on the surface. "Jess, that isn't healthy. Why hasn't she been eating? Do I need to call your mother?" The latter questions were directed to Bella. 

"No," Bella responded, though it was a rushed and panicked answer. "She just hasn't been hungry, is all." She assured our father that she had been making me eat something every now and again, just so I wouldn't starve. "Besides," she continued. "Jess is just tired. It's been a long day for both of us."

My father's gaze was questioning as he glanced between us again, though he mainly watched me. "Were people nice to you?"

With my lips now tightly pressed together, my jaw firmly clenched, and my nails digging painfully into the skin on my arms, it was fairly easy for dad to tell that I was not in a good mood. Bella explained that it was better for dad to just let the subject drop, claiming that the more he questioned me on it, the angrier I would become.

"She may also be a little homesick." Bella dropped her voice to a whisper, something she did whenever she was talking about me, but didn't want me to hear.

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