-First day-

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13th June, the sun was shining rise up. A boy name's Tommy Minecraft Innit woke's up for the first day of High school. He's Gremlins British Boy who lives in a "peaceful" Family. Tommy's got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. Once he's ready, He ran downstairs to the front door. One of his classmates Tubbo already wait for him in front of his door. He's A short British guy with brown hair. Quick he's grab his bike from the garage and go to school with Tubbo.

Tommy POV
Finally we got into the school. I parking my bike beside Tubbo's bikes. We entered the school, damn the school was huge. "This is gonna be so cool" Tubbo said. I sighed and Tubbo's drag me in. "What class are we in Tubbo?" I ask him and he lead to the science class. We take a seat and there's a hugs tall man enter the class with his friend. He sat behind me, I kinda heard their conversation but I didn't really paying attention. A few minutes later the bell start to ringing. The teacher Walks in and put their stuff in their desk. Everyone Stand up and greet him. "Morning too class" teacher spoke. "We had a new student here, please stand up." I quick stand up. Seems the guy earlier also stand up. "Introduce yourself please." I introduced myself. "My names it's Tommy Minecraft Innit, it's really nice to meet y'all" I go back sit down on my seat. "my name is Ranhald Boo, I'm American, hopefully we can be friends." And then he go back sit. American sucks anyways. Tubbo knows I dislike American so much. "Well done you two, it's really nice to meet you. Now class, open page 36 chapter 2 please, be quick" the teacher spoke.


Ranhald POV
I've been thinking that I will go lunch alone but suddenly one person in front of me turned at me, which is I'm guessing the name is Tommy. "So you're American?" He asked with sorta annoyed Face. "Tommy, cmon Don't be rude" the boy beside him said. "What? I'm just asking" he said with rolling his eyes. "Uhm.. yea I'm American. Is there a problem?" I ask. He scoffed and the boy beside him hit side of his right arm. "Sorry about him Ran, he very dislike American" the boy said. Now I understand. "Tobias Tubbo Lamberson, call me Tubbo" he introduced himself and smiles at me. "It's nice to meet you Tubbo." I spoke. "Now now now now, let's just go get lunch, Tubbo." Tommy's stand up. "Can Ran comes as well?" I just stood there in silent, hearing their conversation and packing my things to my bag. "Fine." Tommy said. I looked at him. I just realized that his eyes blue. Oh man.. It's like The ocean with curl blonde fluffy hair and a bit pink at the end. Smell like strawberry for me. He looked at me directly at my eyes in confused. "What?" I flinched a bit when he spoke. "A—ah! Nothing..". "SHALL WE GO NOWWWW IM STARVINGGG" Tubbo Whines, I giggles a bit and Tommy just being a gremlins with his ascent and sigh.

2.37 pm (Afternoon)

They're finally getting along, at least just Tubbo and Ran. Tommy feels like in the third wheel and not really talking much. Ran the one who talk to tubbo feel worried about him. "You okay?" Ran ask tommy. Tommy nods slowly, makes Ran a little bit better. Ran start to Search for an uber while the other two just go take their Bike. Tubbo left first. Tommy walk to Ran with his bike "want a ride? You can stay at my house for a bit if you want." He said. Ran looked at him and nods a bit. Yet Tommy riding the bike and Ran is on the back until their arrive at tommy house.

To be continued

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