
688 19 16

Tommy POV
I slowly woke up in ran arms. We've been cuddling for a while i mean almost all the time we go sleep we cuddling. I slowly let go of him and get off the bed. Its night time and we haven't eat for like 3-6 hours. I should make some dinner for both of us, But then i heard Ran went got up. I turned around at him, "Night Boo.." i said. He looked at me slowly, "Oh..? Night strawberry" he said. I get flustered and blush a little, slowly looking away from him. I hide my face from him, why his voice has to be so deeply hot when he wokes up. I slowly felt someone hugged me and it is Ran. "Should we go get dinner..? Or you gonna cook..?" He said. Well it could be easier that we're order something, im so dumb that i didn't think about that.

"Well.. sure we could go order something.. shall we?" I said as i looked at him. He nodded and i smiles a bit at him. "Cmon.. wakey wakey sleepy ass" i said and then slowly let out small chuckles. He just being clingy on me. Cute but kinda annoy me a little.

I grab my phone on the table as he kept on following me and ordered some food from McDonald. I go with a Mcspicy and Ran picked the cheese burger one with the chips. We also ordered 2 Oreo's Mcflurry, love it for real.

"Now we wait, you should get shower. You smell" i said complaining. He sigh and slowly let go of me "Fineeee" he said and slowly walk to the bathroom. I walk to the living room and wait for the food while scrolling down the Instagram page.

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Mostly aesthetic things pop's out but then i spotted an Pride Aesthetic Photo which is make my eyes wide in amazed

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Mostly aesthetic things pop's out but then i spotted an Pride Aesthetic Photo which is make my eyes wide in amazed. I like the post of course. My pride day already passed but this is still pride month so who cares.

Few moments later, theres knocked on the door. I get up and place my phone on the table and start to walk to the door. I open it, i wide a bit that it was purpled who delivered the food. "Didn't know you work at McDonald's" i said. "I never told but yea i guess you know now" he replied and smiles at me. I smile at him back and give him the cash. "Keep the change man" i said. He nodded and slowly walks away to his bike. I waves at him as he slowly goes away. I close the door, slowly noticing that Ran finished showering.

"oh? The foods come?" he said. I nodded as i looked at him. "Lets go eat then shall we?" I said and he walk over me and help me with the bag of food. We both walk to the couch and sat there, slowly take out food out and eat it.

After we done eating, i throw out the trash and Then tommy went shower.its now 10 pm at night, i feel bored instead of sleepy. I decided to sat on the couch and scrolling down the twitter. Mother texting me like a half hours ago and i didn't realize it. I take a look at the message, she said that she already at the UK and now she is in the apartment. I should go tomorrow then or maybe a couple days later. Sadly i need to leave tommy alone but i don't want to but my mother is important as well.

"Oh yea you came tomorrow dad? ... okay okay, me and ran will picked you up at the airport,......." I heard tommy talking to his father on the phone, seems he already done showering. "Ran! We need to go to the airport tomorrow at 8" he said as he walk to me. "Oh? You're dad and your brother coming?" I ask and he nodded. "Yea! My mother Kristin as well gotta be there so im very exited to met her again" he said. He's smiling happily widely, i smiles back at him yet it hurt that i should tell him i should head back to my apartment.

"tommy.. can we talk?" I said and he went sat beside me. "Whats up?" He said. "I.. I'll have to go tomorrow after picked your family at the airport" i said. I can tell his eyes widened, "what..?" I look down a little and i sigh. I look at him a bit sadly, he's face and emotion completely change. "Im sorry.. my mom already here.." i said. "So this is the last..?" He said. ".. you could say that.. but hey, we still can enjoy ourselves. We can hangout at school as well, with garrisons and Tubbo. We still can be best friend" i said. "But promise me you never leave me.. even tho we're not together like this" he said. Tears falling down from his eyes to his cheek. I sighed and wipe the tears off him, slowly pull him closer and hugging him.

"I promise"

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now