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Ranhald POV
We're arrive at his house. Just got text messages that my parents will be leaving to American for a week so I better stay at his maybe. He grab my hand gently after he parked his bike in the garage and lead me inside. "Lets just.. go to my room" he said. He seems tired i can say. He lead me to his room. I suddenly sees another person walking in the hallway. "Tommy who's this?" The person said. He has a brown hair and brown Eyes looking at us in confused. "Oh this is Ran my... my new best friend I guess" toms said. the other person just rolled eyes and walk pass us. "Don't worry about my brother.. he just being a dick sometimes." I nodded yet still thinking thats rude. We entered his room. "You had a beautiful room.." i said. He smiles at me. Gosh.. it makes me a bit flustered. "Soo.. You want to stay here for a while, i mean im kinda.. lonely" he said. "Maybe ... a week?.. its that okay?" I asked nervously and pit down my bag. "Eh? Oh cool! I would Never get lonely again for a week!!" He said in excitement. "Oh wait! Let me get some of my clothes for ya" he quick ran to his wardrobe. I just sat down in his bed and Take out my phone. Hes back with some clothes on his hand and gave it to me. "Go change you smell" he giggles. I giggles as well yet- "i will strawberry"

Tommy POV
Did he just call me... STRAWBERRY?! "Ah ah!- s—sorry uhm" he said nervously. I get embarrassed at that nickname yet i do like that. I sighed and look at him "i—its fine, i—i kinda like that.." I mean i do like it a little. 'Ah fuck tommy keep your shit together! Don't shows your gay mode on' I thought. "Uhh where should I change" he ask. "Oh yea— uhm the bathroom is beside my room" i said awkwardly. He nodded and started to walk out my room and goes to the bathroom. I wait for him while im playing with my phone. I heard and saw notifications from his phone, its okay if i take a little peak right? I looked at it. Seems its his parents tho but then I realize that the background of his phone is... PHOTO OF ME?! when the fuck he took the photo?! Fucking hell, such a stalker.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now