🏳️‍🌈-Pride (2)-🏳️‍🌈

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It is now Around 1-2 pm in the afternoon. Tommy snuggle up to my chest, being clingy while i was scrolling down the twitter. He watching me every single post on twitter, which is one of them is the Pride Parade around the world.

"Im bored.." tommy whining. I looked at him slowly, "what do you want to do then?" i ask gently and slowly put down my phone. He look at me, our face its so close to each other. He looks so cute.. like .. idk why and how he got my heart so fast. "go out? To tubbo's house?" He said. My brain went thinking. "Hmm.."

Go outside? go to beach? Go to tubbo's house? I can't really think. I've been zoned out for like 2 minutes straight just to think about the place that we're going. "Y'know what forget it.. let just stay home" tommy said while clinging on me even more. I sighed for a bit and let him clinging on me.


His phone ringing, seems Someone calling him. He took his phone and sees who's calling him. i saw his emotions changed, from the bright smiles face, cute, and etc. became very pale and he slowly let go of me. "Tommy? Who's that?" I ask tommy just got up and walk out the bedroom, leaving me alone. I was so curious who it was, so i slowly got up as well and follow him. I heard his conversation from the stairs. Tommy sounded seems very pissed, so uncomfortable. i slowly walks down to the first floor, and go behind him. He didnt noticed it yet, but im sure he will soon.


Tommy shout at the phone. my heart beating fast, my hand a bit shaky. I want to punch the person who hurt tommy right now. Im so curious but i need to wait but then he end up the call. Heard he's let out small sniffing make me even more want to beat up this guy that hurt him. I slowly hug tommy from the back, i can say he's flinch a bit. "R—Ran..?" He stutter as he turn on me slowly. I just silent, hugging him still. He slowly start to sobs over my chest, i pet him slowly and gently, try to calm him down.

"Im here tommy.. im here to protect you.." i said whisper on his ear. tommy snuggles to my chest, hug me tight and i still try to comfort him as much as i can. I slowly carry him in bridal style, and bring him back to our both room.

I slowly place him down on the bed. "Stay with me, ran.." he mumbles as he still grabbing my shirt. "I will tommy.. i won't leave" i said Gently. i slowly laying down beside him and facing him. I can say i a bit flustered because we're too close but i didn't mind that. "Is it.. okay to be gay tho.." he slowly said. My eyes widened, i smiles a bit and slowly patting him gently, "oh tommy.. of course its alright.. you could be whatever gender/sexuality as far as you feel comfortable with it man.." i said and i slowly wiping away his tears. he slowly let out soft smiles at me and then i smiles back at him.

"Thank you.. for being on my side.." he said.
i nodded slowly, "Thank you for being my best friend" i said. I mean, for now i guess.. im just scared that he doesn't have the same feelings as me.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now