-the bully's-

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Another day come. Me and Tommy literally cuddling again on our bed, kinda warm though. Its now around 7.28 am in the morning. Too early for British people to started the day.

I try to get off tommy but he just snuggles to me more. Why this man has to be so cu- i mean adorable.. well he is adorable. "Don't you dare leave me.." he sleep talking. I just nodded and start to cuddle him more and patting his head. So fluffy. I like it.


We finally arrived school. We both saw tubbo standing in a group. I was kinda confused for a sec and tommy suddenly spoke. "Oh now he's hangout with the popular huh" he said. "Popular?" I ask. "That the group that we called dream team , they're very popular in here. Yet one of them is a bully" he said as he scoff and rolled eyes. "Better stay away from them Ran." He looked at me. I look at him back and give a nod. After that we walk to our class, Garrison's on the other side run to us from behind and literally make us jump a bit. "You guys are a puss" he chuckles. "OH GARRIS, STOP FUCKING SCARE US DUDE." Tommy yell. Me and garrison just laugh and tommy look away annoyed. We're three go to class together with garrison talking about some space and alien stuff. This person right here loves that so much and I don't know why.

I sat on my seat with Tommy and garrison sat a little far away behind me. I had a little chit chat with Toms yet the group and tubbo came in. Tommy look directly at them. I saw his face.. filled with jealous aura. "So you Ranhald?" One of the group member came to me. I just give them a nod yet a little scared. "Im Sapnap. And thats the one with mask its dream and the brown hair one it's George." He said. "Its.. really nice to meet yo—" i got cut off my tommy. "just fuck off you all." He rolled eyes. Sapnap just scoff and walk to their seat with the other. Tubbo sat in front of us. "Toby, why you hangout with them" tommy ask but tubbo just stay silent. I look at tommy and he look at me back in confusion. Suddenly a paper plane landed on my desk
I open the paper, there's sorta a note.

"Hey, meet us after class in the back school, we would like to talk and become friends Y'know ;)" -Dream

"Don't" a word came out from Tommy mouth. "Don't go.. its a trap" he look at me. "But what if their actually nice tho?.." I said. I know it sound stupid, yet i just want to know. There's no problem right? Right...?

Tommy POV
I sigh and look away from Ran. At least i already warn him to not come. The teacher comes in, the class greet him, including me. Science class its boring.

-skip after class-

Me, Ran, and Garrison had a lunch together at the park. While doing our work a little and garrison just talking about alien stuff over and over again. "Oh yea! I forgot that i should met the dream team" Ran said as he slowly stand up. "I— man don't trust them" garrison said. i just nodded and look at Ran. He look like he doesn't even care what would happen. "Oh cmon guys!.. what if their actually good Y'know" I rolled my eyes. Definitely not. Mostly people that gets into their trap getting bullied. I was worried about him that he's will be one of the victims.

"I'll be going.." he said and then he left. Garrison and i are very worried, especially me. so we're decided to follow him to the back school.

TW // bullying, Bl00d
3rd POV
Ran walk to the back school while Didn't notice the other was following him. After arrived, he saw the group there wait for him. "So whats up guys" Ran greet them. Only George giving him a warm smiles and the other just stare at him like uncomfortably yet glare a bit at him. "Ranhald Boo? I believe?" Dream said as he go closer. Ran just stood there and nodded. "Well its really nice to see you but im sorry."  That words make ran very Confused. Suddenly he was get hold by sapnap from the back. Ran try to escape but then he got attacked on the face and stomach. Blood comes out from his mouth. he feel very stupid for believing the message. Dream and sapnap beating him up while George just watching them in peace. Tommy and garrison was already predict this gonna happen. Tommy run from his hide to them all and push dream away from Ran. Sapnap immediately let go of Ran and ran fell to the ground, weakly breathing and coughing blood.

"FIGHT ME BITCH!" Tommy shout. Dream with a pleasure fight him and tommy fight him back. Suddenly garrison pulled a gun and almost shot George. Everyone shocked. Dream and Sapnap look at George, literally just stood there weakly and shocked. Dream look at tommy and ran once again, ended up fight with tommy and leaving tommy a big wound on his eyes. After the miss shot, the group ran away. Tommy try to help Ranhald up. "You okay buddy?! Jesus, you're bleeding!" tommy looked very worried, well he is. Ran just nodded weakly and the. Tommy hug him. Garrison watch them from afar, smiles yet it faded. "Lets go home.." tommy said to Ranhald.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now