-Bad news-

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-2 days later-
I want to visit tommy, For a long damn time he didn't answer my text. Im getting worried and worried and worried. "MOMM!! IM GOING TO TOMMY!" I shout from the front door and walk out quickly before my mother answer.

I start to walk to the train station, Take my leave to the Nottingham. As always it took 2 hours, i still try chatting tommy yet he didn't respond. Im getting more worried.

As I arrive at Nottingham, i start to walk up towards his house. Wait the minute.. why there's.. why there's so many people?!.. What the hell is going on?!
I straight up to the house, i saw His brother with someone else, Tubbo also there. is it just me who didn't know?! "I— Ran!" Tubbo shout at me and ran towards me and then he hugged me tight. I was so confused about whats going on, yet.. "TOMMY!.. TOMMYS G-GONE" he shout on my chest with tears fell down his cheek. I stunned. My.. my best friend.. what.. what happened.. i..

3rd POV
Tommy went stressed, He haven't texting Ranhald back. For no reasons, he just wants to off his phone a little but then it makes worse, With a lot of family stuff and problems. Everyone said that their family are a good and A happy one but then again their just lies about all of that stuff.

Tommy went lost, His mind went blank yet straight to death. As he.. went kill by hanging him self on the corner of the room of his. eyes blurry, body feel weaker, slowly went darker and darker.
"Im so sorry ran.."

Tubbo POV
I cried on Ran chest, non stop. Ran its stunned disbelief as he pushed me slowly. "THIS CANT BE TRUE, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME RIGHT?!" He said at my face. I try to hold my tears as i shook my head as a no. Wilbur came up to us and hug me from behind, try to calm me down. "All tubbo said... is true.." Wilbur said to ran. I can't clearly see but I heard Ran step away from here. "RAN WAIT!" I shout. My body still shaky, tears felling down to my cheek even more. Why you have to leave now.. Tommy ?

we love's you.. yet now its too late for You to know that..

-another flashback-
3rd POV
Tommy and Ran like to hangout in Ran secret/favorite spot, Only two of them knows that place.
Tommy talking about random stuff like he always do and Ran just listen to him.
It was quite fun

"I'll never leave you, Ran"
"I'll never leave you as well, tommy"

-end flashback-
Ran heart shattered. Feel like broken pieces are inside him. Tears fell down he's cheek while walking away from Tommy's house.

"I miss you already.. why did you do this.. you promised.."Ran said. He slowly went back to the woods, Place that he and tommy use to hangout.
He sat down, shaking and sobbing quietly, Thinking and confused, disappointment and broken, why he would do such thing like that. Ran always by his side.. Ran always texting him.. Ran always care..
"You idiot chaotic... I love you buddy.. yet now it's to late to say that... im late.." Ran said as he blame him self on this kind of situation.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now