-argue and bonding time-

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//TW. Kn!f3//

Ranhald POV
Another day has come. I slowly woke up with tommy on my chest. Sees a blonde fluffy hair boy snuggles up to me, kinda cute tho. "Tommy.. wake up.. it's morning" i said softly. I noticed that he shakes head and snuggles even more. Such a clingy boy. I heard some dude's fighting downstairs. Seems its his brother?.. I guess? But who knows. I try to get off tommy but he ended woke up slowly.

He yawns while slowly get off me and sat up. I slowly sat up as well yet get off the bed. It was very good sleep i can say. "Ran.." he called me and i looked at him. "Yes, strawberry?" I ask. He open his arms, im getting notice that he want a help. I sighed first and slowly help him up. "Ngghhhh. . what time is it..?" He ask. "I do not know but.. i think someone arguing downstairs.." i said. He stunned but yet a few seconds later he ran out the room very quickly. "WAIT" i shout and slowly follow him downstairs. I saw his father and his brother arguing. His brother has a knife on his hand and Tommy just try to spread them.

I don't know what to in this moment. But i go to the brother of him and try to calm him down. "DONT FUCKING BLOCK MY WAY TO HIM" he shout at me. "WIL PLEASE, PUT THE KNIFE BACK YOU DRUNK ASS" tommy shout at him and hug his father. Literally a bit away from me and his brother. I try to reach the knife and dodge when his attacking. "RAN! YOU-" i quick get the knife from his hand. Throw it away from him. Once i throw the knife, i look at him and i got.. slapped really hard. I wide and Tommy run to me quick. "OH MY FU— WIL WHAT THE FUCK!?" Tommy shout at him. He looked at me and glare darkly at me, but suddenly after that he walks away to upstairs.

Tommy POV
"OH MY FUCKING PRIME GOD, RAN ARE YOU OKAY?!" I looked at ran as I literally grab on his cheek. His cheek is red because of the slap. He nodded slowly yet i hug him tight. "Tommy.. you okay?.. and sir..?" He ask and I nodded. Phil also nodded and said thank you to him. Wilbur sometimes lost control after drinking. He changed since he became friend with his online friend, Schlatt. "Im very very sorry about him.." i said while im still hugging him. "It's alright.. at least my strawberry okay.." i get stunned a bit when he said that. He's.. strawberry? Whats that even supposed to mean.

I slowly let go of him. Phil grab some bandages for him and warp around the wound on his cheek. "Im so sorry for my older son behavior" phil said. Ranhald just nodded and smiles. Man.. he such an angel. He's kind and very calm person.

-few moments later-

Ranhald POV
We're going to the park together and explore some places that he show's me after school. Nottingham its a very nice place.

We walk around a little and suddenly spotted some cats

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We walk around a little and suddenly spotted some cats. Tommy ran to them and crouch down. He patted them and i just chuckles softly while watching him. "Awww their purr!" He said in exited tone. "I think their likes you" i said and he nodded. "of course they would like a bigman like me!" I rolled my eyes to whatever he said. We had a nice bonding time till we head back to his house around 5-6 pm.

I would love to know him more and this country more too. Hopefully we can be together.
As long as he feel comfortable around me
Yet i still know how much he dislikes American.

-To be continued-

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