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In the woods

Tommy POV
These day and these week, i do not know what im doing. I feel empty, i feel sad, i feel depressed. I missed him.. i want him to be with me. I sighed as i looked up to the sky, zoned out for a bit. Tears start to fell down, i have no reason why. I quickly wipe it off and then start to get up. I leave the woods and decide to go home.

Once i got home, mother looked at me with a worried face. "Tommy..? Are you okay?" She said. I put on my fakes smiles, and walk up to my room. Once i close my door and lock it, the smiles faded. I missed him, I missed him so much. I should've just walk to his apartment but.. at the same time I don't want to disturb him. I don't want to bother any of my friends, especially Ran. Oh i had an idea....

I laying down on my bed, feeling very lonely and bored. I sighed, tommy doesn't text me often anymore. Im getting even worried, i heard nothing about him. Tubbo Also didn't even online in this time. I wonder.. what happened this day's..

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now