-New person-

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I woke up slowly, I guess i fell asleep in the woods, same place as i and Tommy Hanging out. Oh god.. i feel really bad, my chest kinda hurt. All my body feels so different and slowly in pain for no reason. There's no wound, there's no scars, but it feels like burning. I sat down slowly, the sky already up. What a beautiful terrible day.. hopefully not.

I get up and start taking my way to my apartment, and when I arrive there.. well.. there's no one but just a note on the table and breakfast sandwiches. I sighed, guess my mother go somewhere else again after all. I had a class at 11 and now its 9 am so j better get ready. I take a quick shower and put on my clothes.

Once i done with my outfit and stuff, i grab my bag and go to the other room which is the living room

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Once i done with my outfit and stuff, i grab my bag and go to the other room which is the living room. I grab the sandwiches from earlier and I eat it slowly. I actually not in the mood to eat, like.. since that news came, about Tommy's.. die.. im .. Y'know what nevermind.

Once i done, i put the plate on the sink. I walk back to the living room to take my bag and then i take my leave to the collage. Took 1-2 hours to get there by train.  I texted tubbo and ask that is he come to the college or not but my message hasn't been read for 20 minutes straight.

As I arrive, there's so many other students i see. I feel stupid that I didn't knew lot of them. I just make myself to the class but then suddenly my eyes spotted something. I saw blonde hair boy, he's around 5'1-5'3, its look just like... tommy. "Tommy...?" I mumbles. I shook my head quickly, and look at the direction im going again, aka to my class 'Theres no way.. tommy's dead.. so theres no way it was him..'

'Right....?' I mumbles quietly as i hold my tears

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now