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We walk back to Tommy's house. I think i was about to faint yet im not. When we're arrive, we saw no one home. i guess he family has been go out somewhere. "lets go to my room!.." Tommy said. I just follow him slowly. My head is dizzy, the blood it's dripping from my mouth, the wound on my stomach still hurt. We got in the room, i sat down on the bed. He search for some bandages and other medical things/stuff.

I slowly laying down, he start to warp the bandages around the wound. It feel hurt so bad. "Ngh.. toms it hurt.." i whined. "I know.. jesus im sorry this has to be happened.." he said. After he done bandaging, he put the stuff away. "Want a cuddle?.." he ask and i just nodded weakly.

He laying down beside me slowly, start to pull me closer and we're both cuddling each other. I was trying to sleep and try to ignore all the pain I've been feel. "Im sorry.. that i didn't listen.." i said quietly. I feel something touch my cheek and i went red. It was tommy kissing my cheek for a sec. I was going red and embarrassed. "don't be sorry.. you didn't know.." he said softly. I just nodded and slowly fell asleep. We're both then fell asleep until night comes.

-skip (9 pm at night)-

tommy POV
I woke up slowly, seeing Ranhald face literally just a inch from mine. I get blushed so hard. I look at the clock, it said 9 pm. Night time already, I should go prepare the dinner. I let go Ranhald slowly and get off the bed, stretch myself and walks out the room. I search for Phil or Wilbur but seems their not home yet. I saw a peace of note on the fridge, i quick walk to it and read it.

"Tommy, me and Phil will be going on a trip for maybe a month or more. Theres a cash on the table which is 1000 pounds, but don't worry. we will send you more if its not enough yet. Love you and sorry for that day" -Wilbur

I sighed, i look at the table and i saw the money. I quick grab it and put it on my Money jar that i kept in the living room. I go back to the kitchen and start to cook for dinner. I heard someone yawning, yet i know it was Ranhald. I turn around, and i saw him stretch him self. His hair was messy, its.. cute.. wait what am I thinking.

He walk to me, literally slowly hug me from behind. Makes me jump a bit and blushes. "Whats for dinner.." he said. Oh my god.. his sleepy voice is so hot. "Mushroom soup and chips" i said. "You mean fries?" He said. Oh god, American. "Yea yea, whatever you called that" i rolled my eyes. I go back cooking while ran just clinging on me. Once i done, he let go slowly and grab a plate and bowl's , help me with plating the food. "Hopefully im not dead by this" he said. "Aye! Im good at cooking motherfucker" i replied. He giggled at me and i pout a little yet i join to giggling.

We ate the dinner, well it was pretty nice. Ngl, he is great at cooking. Once done, he wash the dishes. What about me? Well im just.. (WHIPPED AND NAE' NAE'! /jk) go back hugging him from behind and clinging on him. I love and I like him so much. Idk if he likes me back. Let just keep that as a secret, till the time comes.

"Im bored.. what do we do now strawberry?" I ask and whined. "Hmm watch movie?" He said. "Sounds great but what movie?" I ask again. He turned at me, look stare at each other for a bit. I was looking at him at his eyes, slowly down on his lips yet quick look at him in the eyes again. "You literally just look at my lips don't you, Boo" he said. "Using my last name now huh?" I said as i smirk a bit. He rolled eyes and i just chuckled. "Lets go watch a movie, shall we?.." he said. I nodded yet slowly let go of him. We go to the living room together and pick a movie. We pick "ouija board" movie. Never heard of that but the description said it was a horror movie.

We both sat on the couch and watching the movie together. I noticed That tommy slowly trembling and snuggles even more at me. I slowly hold his hand and cuddle him a bit. "OH MY JESUS F— AA!!" Tommy scream and burried his face on my chest, I slowly pause the movie, chuckles for a bit and look at him. "Such a scaredy-cat" i said. "SHUTUP! I Hate Horror movies!" He shout and pout. I giggles softly yet cuddling him more slowly.

I played the movie again. Few minutes later, i notice that tommy fell asleep on me. I smiles when i look at him sleep. I slowly pet his hair a bit and then he purr. I don't know that he can purr tho yet i just enjoying it. He's so cute and adorable little strawberry blonde hair boy. My sunshine. I turn off the TV and a few seconds later, theres a notification from my phone. I quickly grab it. It was my mom.
I read the message that she text. She said that she had a problem with the passport so she can't go back here yet and I guess i need to stay at tommy a little while. I kinda like it here, more than my house/apartment in the uk. Literally no one's there but probably gonna go back there to go get my stuff.

A few minutes, I slowly getting tired. I Decided to sleep as well and I cuddle Tommy's more. I somehow can hear him said "Meow". pfft— cat boy. We both asleep in the couch together peacefully. Till the next day come.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now