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It is now around 6 in The morning, me and Tommy should get ready because we need to pick up his family at the airport at 8. I just finished shower and done with my clothes and Stuff since i will go back to my apartment after the pick up. I wait for him in the living room.

"Im ready" tommy said, appearing from the bedroom and walk up to me. "Alright then, shall we go now?" i said. "Mhm, lets not keep them waiting" he said. I slowly got up from the couch, grab his hand gently and also grab my bag, We both walk out the house. We walk down the street to the train station, it is not that far away from Tommy's house. As we arrived, we both buy the ticket to the airport.


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"Attention. the train from Nottingham to the London airport will go in 5 minutes, thank you"

"That our train, we gotta be quick!" Tommy said as he grab my hand and we ran to the train. We hop in and find our sit. It will take 2 hours to get there. As the train start to go, i look at the window, of course its still a bit dark.

I was listening to one of the music in my playlist

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I was listening to one of the music in my playlist. I suddenly realize that Tommy has been watching me all over the ride. I looked at him and give him a warm smile. "Do you really have to go..boo?" Tommy said. "Im sorry.. but i have too.." i replied softly, i place my hand on his head and patting him gently. He slowly leaned on my shoulder and i just let him. I wish i could tell my true feelings about him.

Skip at the airport

—————————————Skip at the airport—————————————

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"Where are they" i ask. "Uhm.. said their still taking their stuff" tommy said beside me. We wait for them for like 10-13 minutes i believe but who cares anyways. Suddenly, i saw William his brother. "Isn't that your brother?" I looked at Tommy.
Tommy looked at the direction of will and shout his name loud as he turn at us. We both wave at him and William start to walk towards us.

"heya guys, sorry for the wait" will said. "Its okay big will, also wheres phil and mother?" Tommy ask. "Oh their will be here in a moment" will replied. "H—hows the trip?" I slowly spoke. William looked at me slowly and i just give him a little smiles. "Oh it was fun" will replied. Three of us talked a bit about the experience of William in America, without noticing that phil and Tommy's mother walked towards us.

"Mother!!" Tommy shout as he ran to them both, ended giving her a big hug and phil ruffled his hair. I just smiles from far with will, i really don't realize that will watching me. "You liked him don't you, Ranhald boo" William spoke. I stunned, my cheek went a bit pink and i looked away. "U—uhh i— i- i" i stutter. I cant just came out to his brother immediately. "Admit it king" will said. I just shakes my head in embarrassment. I heard will let out small chuckles, then we're both giggling for a bit.

Skip after train

Soot POV
We're now back at Nottingham station, but im guessing ran will go back to London because Tommy has been hugging him for a while now. I looked at them both at the other side, phil and Kristin already left and waiting outside.

I walk to both of them and tap Tommy shoulder. "Tommy we should head back.." i said. "He's right.. don't worry to much about me as well, we're still gonna meet up at school Y'know? Relax strawberry.." Ran said as he patting Tommy's head. Strawberry? Waww he do really has a crush on tommy huh? Tommy slowly let go of him. "Just don't forget to text me.." tommy said. "I will toms" Ran said as he giggled.

We both now walked away, Tommy waves at ranhald as he waves back at tommy. "Hes a pretty nice guy and caring friend for you huh?" I said. Tommy slowly looked at me and nodded. "Yea.. he's the best of the best.. sad that he should leave.." tommy spoke as he let out sigh. "Don't worry, you'll meet him sooner or later. School doesn't end yet Y'know" i replied. "Yea yea totally not over.." tommy replied to me with pout. I ruffled his hair aggressively and we're both giggles. After that we saw both of our parents and then we walk home.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now