-New Kid and jealousy-

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3rd POV

"AAAAAAAAA WE'RE GONNA LATEE!!" Tommy scream as he get off the bed quickly and make Ranhald fell over. "JESUS CHRIST-" Ran Said. "RAN WE'RE LITERALLY GONNA LATE" Tommy shout as he quickly rush to the bathroom and take shower. Ranhald on the other side, just went to downstairs bathroom and take a quick shower. Once their both done Changing, their both quickly ran out the from the house. Tommy quickly get on his bike and Ranhald sat behind him.

its now almost around 8.57, the two of the boys rush in to their class. Their both pant and breathing heavily. "Why are you guys late" said the teacher. "we're so sorry, miss" Ran apologies and tommy just nodded in agreement. The teacher sigh and let them sit down on their seat. the boys sat down next to each other. On the other side, tommy didn't pay attention to the class. In fact, he search for tubbo so he can throw a note. He seems absent today, thats make Tommy a bit worried. Ranhald who didn't really pay attention as well, just staring at his beautiful homies beside him. Bell rang Around 9.30, All the students comes out the first class and go to the second one. "Whats next Ran?" tommy ask him. "I think is... oh god.. not the math.." ran said while whining. Tommy sigh as well, both of them very dislike Math. In the hallway, tommy get bumped by someone. "hey! Watch out when your wa-" tommy cut himself. Ran slowly help him up yet worried about him.

"Watch your way man!" Ran said. Tommy still stunned, literally he's in fell in... love on the first sight..? "A—ah! Im very sorry i didn't mean to" the boy said. "Are you new?" Tommy spoke. Ran who just stood there behind tommy, wanted to go quick so he can spend time with him more in the house. "Ah yes yes, the name is Luke, Luke Nathaniel" Said the boy. "its really like to see you! I—im To-" tommy got cut off by Ran, literally just drag him away from the boy. jealousy feelings is all over Ran heart. Tommy let go of him and look at him. Literally make eye contact. "What was that earlier huh?!" Tommy said. "oh cmon!.. don't waste our time.." ran said. Tommy just rolled his eyes and walk passed him as he hit ran arms a little.

Ranhald POV
I can tell tommy is mad at me. Im just.. why im jealous?.. i—i just.. gosh darn it. i slowly follow him to the class. once i want to sit next to him, i saw him already with Garrison. My heart a little broke into a piece. Did i do something wrong? Did i go that far?.. did i broke his heart? My mind just start overthinking. I slowly take a seat Behind them both, a little bit far. I chat tommy by my phone. The notifications from his phone comes out, yet he just ignore it. Did i get to far ..? ugh.. im too jealous.. Why i cant let tommy have more friends. Why this feeling?! I sighed and calm myself. Literally just watching Tommy and garrison laugh. and i just sat in silent without nobody talk to me.

-skip after school-

I walk back to his house by myself. Tommy said that he had something to do. Im still overthinking that he maybe will avoiding me a lot or maybe he just did. i sigh while i walk home. I heard soft humming from behind then i turn around slowly. i saw tubbo riding his bike to me. I confused a little, i thought tommy would be with him since tubbo his other close friends. "Need a ride bossman?" He said. I nodded slowly. I get on the back seat and he take me back to house. "Where's Tom?" He ask and I stunned. "Bossman?" "Ah!.. sorry i .. zoned out.." i said. We're arrive at the house, i quickly get of the bike. "are you sure you okay? You seems off today tho" he said. i quick nodded and he nodded as well. I wave at him as he go back to his house. When i walk inside, it feels very different. No loud noise, no smiles, no hug, no blonde curly hair boy who whining at me because tiredness. I put down my bag on the couch and sat there.


Its night time.. ive been waiting for him for so long..where is he? im getting worried and worried. i stood up and wear my mask. Literally go out the house and search for him. I tried to call him multiple times but theres no answer from him.

"Where is he.." i mumbles. Ive been search for long yet i didnt find him. Suddenly, i saw A blonde boy, literally the same as Tommy but he's with someone. A guy. I follow them, every step, every place until their stop on a park. It makes my eyes widened that the guy its slap The blonde Buts for no reason and he flinch. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN" the blonde shout as he a hit turn around and back off from the other. It was tommy and.. wait LUKE?! THE NEW KID?! What the actual— "Awww tommy, dw man. Im not gonn—" "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOY PERV. I THOUGHT YO- J—JUST PISSED OFF"  the blonde start to go away. I stare at luke a little and then follow Toms

"Strawberry!" I shout to him. He turn around at me. I run to him quickly and i hug him tight. "Where the heck have you been?!.. i am so worried!.." i said. He laid his Head on me and hug me back.

Tommy POV
Ran Has been search for me huh..? Why..? Why he care so much about me tho.. . i hug him really tight as i leaned my head on his chest. I was scared, yet i traumatized. It is not okay Someone slapping their butt for no reason. It is my mistake for seeing him outside only.. not from the personality. "Shh shh.. its okay strawberry.. im here now.. you're safe" That word make my heart filled up with butterflies. i really trust Ran. we're getting along everyday. yet today i kinda avoiding him, for one pervert guy. I hate it.. i regret it. "Im sorry.." i said mumbling. I feel he patted me gently. I smiles a little and we're both slowly let go. "Lets go shall we? Its getting late.." He said with smiles on his face. I smiles back and nodded in agreement.

We're both going back to my house. we talk a little bit while walking home. im still feel very uncomfortable about earlier. "i swear to god i will punch his face tomorrow" That make my eyes widened and look at him immediately. "W—wha" i stutter a little. "You don't deserve to be treated like that." He said. I blush somehow yet slowly look away. "You're deserve better.. so do i.."

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now