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Few weeks has passed, school has been off for a month from now. I don't know what to do, i don't even know who to visit. Tubbo left the England to Australia, meet a lot of his friends as he post it on his Instagram. My phone ringing and left so many notifications of my mother messaging me.

I sighed and slowly drink my morning coffee to make myself always up. Sitting at the cafe alone, looking through some people walking and talking.

"Hello? Are you okie?"

I jump a little as i slowly turn at the person. My eyes are widened, it was the person who i saw a few weeks ago at the school, and at the park too actually.

3rd POV

Ran was walking around at the park alone in the middle of the afternoon, he saw some people hangout and hear laugh, Some kids running around, and some other people who are just taking photo or enjoying the view. Ran take a deep sigh, but then he met a person.

It looks a lot like tommy, without thinking Ran just Run into him and hugged him tight. "TOMMY!" He said while he try to calm and hold his tears. "OH MY LORD, YOUR ALIVE! YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!" He said.

"Uhm.. im sorry.."

The person said, as he slowly try to let go Ran off him. Ran start to let go of him, look at him with a sad face and worried. "Im sorry.. b—but im not the person you looking for.." the person said. Ran stunned, freeze like a statue. "E—excuse me" ran said slowly as he clear his throat. "Ehm.. i—im very sorry i just.. uhm.. you look alot just like my friend.." he said, start to put on his fake smiles and faded away. "Have a great day.." Ran said as he slowly walk away from the person, hugging himself while walking.

"Is this the person you told me before..Thomas?"

"Ah!.. y—you're the person!.. w—whats up?" I said as i looked at him. He take a seat in front of me, gosh.. he looked at me just literally the same as Tommy look. "Nothing actually, just has been walk around alone.. and then i saw you" he replied. I just smiled at him. "Ah pardon me, Name Theseus Olivery.. i get called theseus sometime but i like to be Called 'T' " he said as he introduced himself. "Cool name you have. Ranhald Boo, i get called boo by my closest friend more often, but call me Ran. i like that more" I introduced myself. Oh god.. hopefully its not getting awkward.
After a while chitchat, me and him decide to go take a walk. This person right here it's remind me of tommy even more. The laugh, the face, the light blue ocean eyes.. everything. Its like.. his twin but, there's sorta different things, and that is his hair and his style. Very unique i could say, i hope i get along more

"Wanna come to my place?" He ask, as we walk through the path. "Sure if you allow me to.." I replied, he start grabbing my hand and we're both walk to his place. "Its not far from here so don't worry"

I nodded. as soon as we arrived at his house, he open the door and we both walked in. Wait.. its so.. familiar.

"Sorry its kinda messy, wasn't expected that someone would come actually" he said and he let out small giggles

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"Sorry its kinda messy, wasn't expected that someone would come actually" he said and he let out small giggles. I looked around the house, its.. similar to Tommy's bedroom..

"You had.. a great house!.." i said as i turn at him. "Why thank you" he replied. I continue walk around and i saw a photo of him with... wait.. what.
[pict 1 is theseus and pict 2 is Tommy]

[pict 1 is theseus and pict 2 is Tommy]

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[art by shmeckdoesstuff]"This is

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[art by shmeckdoesstuff]
"This is.. you?" I looked at him. He walk up to me and saw that photo. "Yea!.. that was me and my bud" i stunned. He knows tommy, didn't he? "So.. who's the other one?.. it looks alot like my best friend as well.." i said, actually..not best friend anymore but.. a lover, yet the time has gone to late. I was making sure that it is him or not.

"His name is..."

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now