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Ranhald POV
I've been at my apartment with my mom for two weeks, it feel so empty here. I miss Tommy.. i miss the cuddle that we do almost all the time.. i miss all of it. I sigh as i remember the time i spend together with him. School now is over, we had 1 month off.

I text him that if he can hangout with me earlier, but seems he too busy to answer tho. he didn't text me back since yesterday. I was so worried about him.
"Rannn, I'll be out for a week alright?" My mother shouted. Its my time! "Okay!" I shouted back. Heard that the front door already closed, i was so happy. I quickly dressed up myself, I don't care that he didn't text me back. Once i done changing, i walk out the apartment and bring the key with me.

-Skip at his house-

I knock on the door, i saw his mother or i can say Kristin open in for me. "ah! Ran, didn't expect you to come" she said. I smiled at her "hello ms.Kristin.. is Tommy in the house?" I ask. "Sorry, he went somewhere tho. Probably the woods, he spend time there often from now on" she said. Ohh that's why he didn't answer me huh? "Ah! Alright then, which location?" I ask again. "Birch wood, its not far from here" she said, i quickly nodded and take my leave to the location to find toms.

Once i arrive at the location, I started to search for him. I shouted his name multiple time and nobody answer it. Theres no way his mother lie to me.. right? I took my step in deeper to the woods when suddenly someone pulled my hand back down. "Ah-!" I gasped. My vision blurry a bit but i saw a blonde boy who pulled me over beside him. "Ehehehe.." he chuckles. "Tommy?!.. holy shit.. stop scaring me like that!!" I pout at him and he Giggling even more.

I sighed, i slowly look at him. I noticed something that he had a cat next to him. "A cat huh?" I said. "I named him "Y" tho, I believe he only around 4-6 months old" he said. "Why a letter tommy? Out of like millions names for cats" i said as i chuckles and curious. "I don't actually know.. its kinda fit since like.. the forehead of him it looks like a "Y" for me" he explain.

 The kitten it gas three color which is Orange, black and also white

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The kitten it gas three color which is Orange, black and also white. Mostly is white tho. it looks cute that the kitten slept on his lap. I smiles and begin to pat the kitten. I can tell their purr while their sleeping. Tommy let out small chuckles as i smiles warmly and look at him. God his such an angel.. wish that he knew it.

Its getting pretty late, should be prepared to get home quick. "Want to go?" I said. Tommy nodded, he bring the cat with him. I smiles a bit then we both walk back to the house. As we arrived, i give tommy a big hug before i left. "You cant stay..?" He ask sadly. "tommy its..  I can't i... Y'know.. your family and uh.." i said a bit worried. I don't want to bother any of them, especially his time with his mother. We let go each other slowly and i slowly went back to my apartment.

~Fell for him~ // Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now