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Park Jimin sat wearily at his cluttered desk, surrounded by the low hum of the office's fluorescent lights and the distant sounds of colleagues wrapping up their day. The room was filled with the faint scent of coffee, a comforting aroma that lingered from the morning's brew. The day had been long, filled with paperwork, phone calls, and the constant buzz of the precinct.

Jimin rubbed his tired eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue that had settled in his bones. Stacks of case files and folders sprawled across his desk, a visual testament to the demanding nature of his job. He glanced at the clock on the wall; the hands ticked away, signaling the end of another challenging day.

The detective sighed, the weight of unresolved cases and the ever-present stress of the job pressing down on him. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, ruffling the strands as he considered the cases that still lingered in the shadows of the precinct.

Closing his laptop with a definitive click, Jimin pushed himself away from the desk, the worn leather chair creaking in protest. As he stood, he stretched his arms, attempting to alleviate the tension that had built up throughout the day. His gaze drifted to the corkboard pinned with crime scene photos and notes, a visual reminder of the cases that demanded his attention.

With a resigned sigh, Jimin grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and slung it over his shoulders. The weight of the fabric provided a familiar comfort as he locked his office door behind him. The precinct was quieter now, the frenetic energy of the day dissipating.

As he walked down the dimly lit hallway, Jimin exchanged tired nods with passing colleagues, each equally eager to leave the office behind. The muted sounds of footsteps echoed in the corridor as he made his way to the exit.

Stepping out into the cool night air, Jimin felt a sense of relief wash over him. The city lights glittered in the distance, a stark contrast to the harsh overhead fluorescents of the precinct. He took a moment to inhale deeply, letting the crisp air fill his lungs.

He reached out and pulled out his car keys and made his way to car on the parking lot. With a weary sigh, he opened the car and settled in, throwing his bag a little too tiringly in the passenger seat. His silky black hair strands fell on his forehead, stuck on his forehead, complimenting his skin tone. He leaned his head down back on the head rest.

Just when he thought he was over with yet an another day, his phone started ringing on his pockets. Jimin let out a loud grown as he reached out and pulled his phone out of his pockets, "Hello?" He muttered tiringly, "Detective Park, I organized the case files like you asked. Can I bring it to your office?"

Jimin's exhaustion deepened as he heard the voice on the other end of the line. It was Officer Jeon, one of the diligent members of his team. Despite the weariness in his bones, Jimin couldn't help but appreciate the dedication of his colleagues. "Officer Jeon," Jimin replied with a hint of gratitude in his tired voice, "I appreciate the effort, but it's been a long day. Just leave the files on my desk, and we'll go through them together in the morning."

There was a brief pause on the line before Officer Jeon responded, "Alright, Detective. I'll leave them neatly organized for you. Have a good night." With that, Jimin ended the call, tossing his phone onto the passenger seat. Leaning back, he closed his eyes, allowing the quiet hum of the car's engine to fill the space. The city outside was alive with the sounds of distant traffic and the occasional sirens that pierced the night.

He sat in silence for a moment, collecting his thoughts. The day's events replayed in his mind, but Jimin pushed them aside, focusing on the present. With a deep breath, he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, navigating the familiar city streets. The city lights flickered and danced, casting fleeting shadows across his face as he navigated the quiet night. Unbeknownst to Jimin, a sleek black car trailed him from a distance, its headlights blending into the sea of vehicles on the road.

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