chap -7

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"Actually mr.jeon my parents got divorced and dad left us long time ago and mom is not me anymore"taehyung siad not even meeting Jeon eyes.
Jungkook knows taehyung explained him about his parents .

"Oh am sorry taehyung I don't know about that"Jeon said he got some doubts but  didn't asked further.

"So we will have marriage in the end of this week ,taehyung not many people will come just some business partners."taehyung noded his head .

After that Jeon left taekook alone .

"Tae"jungkook tugged taehyung coat.
"Yes bun"jungkook blushed after hearing Nick names he likes when taehyung call him with Nick names .

"Come with me "jungkook took him to his room .

"Here open it "jungkook handed him a gift wrapped in red slick cloth.
Taehyung unwrapped the frame he so overwhelmed after seeing the painting.

Taehyung unwrapped the frame he so overwhelmed after seeing the painting

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"You did this baby bun "taehyung asked .
"yes did like it "jungkook asked

"Yes bun thank you soo much I love you so much bun "taehyung said hugging him tightly.
"Me too love so much Hyung"jungkook said hugging him back .
"In one week you will me baby"taehyung said looking at jungkook face.

"I know "jungkook said with deep blush.

"Bun "taehyung called they are still hugging each other .
"Hmm "other just enjoying taehyung natural scent .

"I have meeting in Us baby I am going tomorrow I will come after 4 days baby". taehyung explained.

"Four days then you will come just before 2 days of marriage and that time I can't see you I can see only after marriage"jungkook asked with teary eyes.

"Aww my Bun you will miss hyung that much "Taehyung asked wipes baby tears he know his baby is very sensitive .he cooed at jungkook how cute he was looking right now.
He will also miss his bun because after this day after whole one week he will see his bunny.
"Y-yes can I stay with you tonight hyungie plz"jungkook asked with cute pout.he will miss taehyung so much .

"You can baby "taehyung said giving small kiss on his forehead.

After having dinner  jungkook went with taehyung.

Taehyung got down of car and held jungkook hand.

"Wow hyungie your house is beautiful "jungkook said .his eyes where glowing see the house .
"Our house baby "taehyung and walked into house.

They did house tour now finally they were cuddling on taehyung's bed .
"Where will keep my gift hyung"jungkook asked hugging taehyung.

"In my office on the table so I can see it all time and remember how my precious little bun made painting for me with so much dedication .you very special to me bun every small thing of you are precious to me and don't won't lose anything .I love you lot bun"taehyung said kissing on his fluffy cheeks.
Jungkook smiled at taehyung words and couldn't resist but kissed him deeply after some time they broke the kiss . jungkook was so overwhelmed by listening those words taehyung .he can see pure love in taehyung's eyes he hugged him said "I love you so much hyungie"jungkook said kissing taehyung clothed chest.
They both slept after some time .

It was morning taehyung was fixing his hair .he turned around to see his bun was still sleeping he went down
And was making breakfast.
Suddenly small body hugged him from behind .
"Bun you got up"taehyung asked taking his hands and kissed it .
Other just hummed.

He turned around and cupped buns face "good morning baby "taehyung said and kissed his nose.jungkook was still sleepy he was seeing taehyung with droopy eyes and messy hair.
Taehyung booped jungkook nose with his "get ready bun I need to drop you at your house".

"I want to stay with you "jungkook said slowly.

"After one week you will always stay here baby just one week okay"

Other just noded.
After breakfast Taehyung dropped near Jeon's house .
Jungkook hugged taehyung tightly after that they kissed.
Taehyung went towards the airport.

(It was so much easy to fool him emotional fool .this is gonna be fun in future).

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