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"but I didn't forgave you yet" jungkook said sitting in his lap .

" I can do anything for your forgiveness baby"taehyung said kissing on his head.

"Ok you take leave and spend time with me ".
" Ok my fluffy bunny we will go tomorrow".

"Ok" jungkook said pouting .

Taehyung leaned and kissed him slowly.

It was next  excited bunny was getting ready for the amusement park.

Taehyung was still sleeping.

Jungkook slowly went to bed and sat on taehyung stomach.slowly leaned and pecked on his lips .

Taehyung is a deep sleeper .he continued to peck him on lips .

Taehyung slowly open his eyes to see his baby bun was kissing .

It was  beautiful site his hair  was still wet and pink blushed cheeks.

Taehyung flipped him now he was on top.

"Good morning beautiful "he said started kissing his neck.

"Good morning you handsome but leave me now we should go to park". jungkook said wriggling under him.

Taehyung kissed him one last time and went to bath .

They went to amusement park.
They saw ferries wheels.

"Come on tae we will go to that" jungkook said dragging him.

"Bun  I have acrophobia baby plz".

"I will there hyung just trust me ".

They inside and sat facing each other it was going up taehyung hands were shivering slowly.

Jungkook saw that .he slowly got up sat on taehyung lap.slowly held his jaw and made him to see his face .

Taehyung looked at his bun eyes they holding so much emotions.

Jungkook kissed his lips slowly.

Taehyung took some time to comparhend what's happening.
Then kissed his bun back by placing his hands on other waist .

They were so busy in kissing they didn't know when it stopped they heard sounds thats when they broke kiss.

"Are you ok tae "jungkook asked caressing his cheeks .

"Am baby ".

They toured around the park till evening .bun ate different shapes of cotton candy.

It was night went they got back home.

Taehyung took jungkook in his arms they had beautiful night.

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