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It happened daily jungkook didn't have any work to taehyung .

And ordered him to have lunch but when ever he refuses . Jungkook use agreement where taehyung needs to do what ever they want .

Jungkook always carsessed his cheeks and kiss on his forehead when ever he sleeps.

Today was same taehyung was about to sleep but he saw jungkook entering his office . taehyung pretended to sleep.

Jungkook lips formed a small smile looking at taehyung he was  looking better he doesn't have any dark circles around his and jungkook was making sure that he doesn't have any work.

He walked towards him and kissed his forehead and cheeks few times he was about leave but taehyung grabbed his hand .and slammed jungkook to wall.he caged him between his walls.

He just looked at jungkook his eyes were showing love but he thought he was faking again.

When other was faking it was real bun when it was real he thought he was faking.

He moved closed to jungkook .

Jungkook was just him .he saw taehyung was leaning towards him.

He closed his eyes when he felt hot air on his lips .he body shivered due to how close was taehyung standing to him.

"It's not appropriate to kiss some on mr.jeon especially when your not my bun ."taehyung said looking at him blankly.

Jungkook was just looked at taehyung.
"I remembered party night jungkook how I kissed you everything I was just because I was drunk other wise I would never kiss Jeon jungkook I only love my bun but he was not there with me and I will not move on from  even he faked "taehyung said.

"You just looked like my bun jungkook but your  Jeon jungkook my bun is Kim jungkook there is so much difference .don't do this again ".

He held jungkook jaw . jungkook was crying after what  taehyung said.

"Why are you faking mr.jeon why are you faking again what you want this time my deat-"taehyung was about to say but but jungkook placed hand on his mouth.

"It nothing I will leave ".

Jungkook left the cabin and went towards the car he can't stay here he took the car and went towards his appartment .

He cried whole night he lost his taehyung .

"It ok I deserve it baby I deserve this "saying that jungkook passed out on bed .

It was morning jungkook got up with huge head ache .

He looked at time they have very important meeting today he will start his game from now on .

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