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It been 1years since that incident every thing was going good .

Mr.jeon asked for taehyung forgiveness .he was angel that's why he forgave him easy.

But not jungkook who still angry with his father .May be it will take some more time.

Currently TK's was taken care by taehyung . jungkook dropped from his position .He Just helps taehyung working as PA for taehyung.

Currently couple where sleeping soundly they were exhausted for last night activities .

Actually there where lot busy from 2 weeks   .they only got time for there little make sections in office or home .

Jungkook slowly got up his whole body was sore.

He looked at taehyung who cuddling with him .

His honey tan skin was glowing under the sun rays .he fondly looked at him with those heart eyes.
He leaned and pecked on the olders lips .
But he was satisfied with one peck so he kept pecking on his lips.

Taehyung got felt smooth lips against .

When he Fully conscious saw his bun was pecking him.he held those soft lips between his teeth.

Jungkook saw taehyung was fully awake he tried to free his lips but other was holding it tightly.jungkook wriggled a little.

Finally taehyung let him go .

"It hurts hyungie "jungkook said touching his lips.

"Sorry petal "he kissed  those pretty pink lips.
He continued to gave small smooches on his bare skin till he reached his bun bare stomach.

"When you come little one "taehyung said kissing jungkook bare stomach.

They got to  know  recently that jungkook is pregnant . taehyung was happiest after knowing that he literally dance like child in hospital.
Out of exiciment he lifted nurse sipnned her thinking it was jungkook.

Only get a weird look from her . jungkook laughed clucthing his stomach seeing how embarrassed his husband was.
Till today nurse never approached taehyung again.

"Soon hyungie "jungkook said caressing his cheeks.

"Come when need to go to office "jungkook said .

"No your are not working anymore jungkook you will be at home "taehyung said .
"Hyung am just 2 week pregnant you can't do this me I can't leave alone I want to be with you "jungkook said pouting .

"Ok my baby don't pout "taehyung said and kissed on the lips .

They got ready
Went to office
Taehyung was overprotective over jungkook he didn't assign any work to jungkook.

He never allowed jungkook to go alone any where even in office.

Jungkook felt so lucky for having taehyung as his husband.

Months passed they blessed with beautiful girl.
But they hasn't there the again blessed with baby boy who was carbon copy of taehyung
Innocent and kind.

They happily ever after cherishing each other.May be they did mistakes in past but giving each other second chance gave them pure love which only growers day by day .


Finally it got completed it is my fav Book out of which I wrote definitely gonna miss this book writing .

Lastly for the readers thank you for reading  this book .it has crossed 10k
Thank you so much love you all .

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