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"bun This my friend i have met her after long time she is Irene"taehyung said introducing a beautiful girl.

"bun This my friend i have met her after long time she is Irene"taehyung said introducing a beautiful girl

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"And Irene this my wife kim jungkook".

"Oh it was nice meeting you Irene "jungkook said shaking his hand.

"It was nice meeting you too jungkook".

"Come home  some irene it was almost 8 years since we met .

"It will tae sometime I am hurry tae ".she just hugged tae and left from there .

"She was friend bun since I was 10 we were very good friends bun "
. taehyung said hugging bun he don't want any miss understandings between them.
Jungkook just hummed .

It  1 month since there marriage .

Taehyung was working in his office .
Some one knocked the door.
"Come in " he said not even looking at person who he was looking at .

Jimin entered the office .

"Tae it's all set " jimin said .

"Thanks you jimin this deal is very  important for me jimin only way reach it work on it carefully ". taehyung said with his deep cold voice .

"I will tae " jimin said and left the office.

Taehyung reached home early today .

He went to kitchen His baby bun was not there he went to art room there his bun painting a beautiful night with full moon he was so concentrated that he was not even seeing who entered the room.

Taehyung saw how his bun was wearing blue sweater and white shirt and messy long hair he was looking like sin .

Taehyung went near him he saw blue paint marks on baby's milky white thighs.

He can't it any more .
He wrapped his arms around waist now taehyung was sitting in couch along with jungkook on his lap.

"When did you come tae". jungkook asked taehyung it was not usual time to come home he generally come at night

"Just now bun "taehyung said eyeing jungkook.
"Okay you go fresh up I will prepare something for you ".

He was about get up but taehyung caged him .

"Your not going anywhere bun and for something for me am having you'.
Taehyung said kissed him aggressively roaming his hand on youngers thighs and waist . jungkook shivered when taehyung cold hands touched his waist.
They spent time claiming each other .

In the art room which was designed by taehyung for art purpose but they are using as it was there own bedroom.

(I should be careful next time )

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