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It was 9 went jungkook entered the office the looked towards the taehyung's cabin which is closed may he not came yet jungkook thought and went towards.

employees are laughing on something and taehyung at middle of them.

His face not showing any emotional.

"What's going on here "he roared at every one .

Every looked towards him and bowed .

"nothing mr.jeon am helping how to handle a hot coffee"mr.sung said innocently other noded.

"You all can leave "everyone left . jungkook watched at taehyung .other looked at him and bowed and left the.

Jungkook saw those eyes once which show so much affection and adoration now it turn in complete emotions less it hard for him to read those eyes.

He shook his and went inside the office.

Taehyung went inside the washroom his hand was paining he opened tap and put his hand under tap and open the it .he let cool water flow on the paining hand .after that he tapped his hand  with tissue.

He was about to go to office mr.sung stopped him.

" I think you Don't have that much work so why don't you work this "he said handed him many files.

Taehyung just noded his head and went inside.
" Now am free "mr.sung said with smirk at left the area.

Taehyung went inside office and settled in his chair .

As again he didn't took luch break
He instead stopped eating lunch and he just continued his work.

He started to work .

It was when everyone gathered at the meeting.

Everyone settled at the meeting only managers were present in the meeting no new employee .As they were using him with every work so he was there in meeting.

Mr.jeon stared the meeting
"Tomorrow We have important meeting I want everyone to present there idea best  will be selected ".

The meeting end mr.sung Looked at mr.jeon  both smirked and nodded there head.

Taehyung went to his cabin he hand lots of works to complete it was nearly 12 when everything completed .
He went to home .

He took a onitment and slowly started to apply it.

He remembered the time when he was cutting veggies along with his bun .he got cut on Fingers.his bun almost cried seeing the blood he band-aid to it and kissed it better he feed him food whole day .

"You acted so good bun that's why still not believing anything .You shouldn't have acted that much bun just for the company purpose ".he said tears were falling form his eyes .

But he still feel that other was stopping himself for showing any emotion towards him.
He put the cream and went to made presentation.

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