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After 2 weeks .

"I will come in evening bun ok "taehyung said kissing he don't know he was feeling his heart so heavy .

"Ok " jungkook said .

Taehyung kissed him on lips and jungkook return this time little longer.

They generally peck each other but no one is leaving .

Taehyung went his office and settled on chair today there will meeting he was feeling so nervousness.

Jimin entered office .
With file and throwed it on taehyung table.he can jimin whole face was red due to anger.

"What the fuck wrong with you tae what the fuck you even did "jimin said with so much anger.

In morning jimin was checking the mails about the work today they have important meeting with one of big company.

he checked mail he didn't even now how to react he immediately stormed into ceo office.

Taehyung open the file and just didn't said anything thing his face was blank .

"It was all because of your stupid thing .we lost it tae we lost the deal because of this ".jimin shouted at taehyung.

""Just shut the fuck jimin ".

Taehyung roared at jimin .

"I will not make my hard work go in vain

Follow me we are going there now they cant do this".

Taehyung grabbed jimin's hand and went out of the office.

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