chap -20

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They turn towards entrance of the conference hall.

A man in early twenties entered the hall.

he was wearing cheesiled black boots .black suit his hair was combed neatly.his skin was looking more plae in the black suits.

He face was blank he was holding stren expression .he aura was looking so dangerous you will even feared even to look at his face.

His each step making sound of boots which echoed the conference hall .

Taehyung and jimin just there eyeing the man.

"What are saying " the man asked directly looking into taehyung
Eyes .

"You finally came I was having hard time explaining this fools "mr.jeon said looking at the person.

Other just smirked and looked at taehyung and jimin.
Both stood there completely frozen state .

"Hello let me introduce myself I am .............

Next chap.


(Get some popcorn form next chap show begins)

(This were actually story begins)

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