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Finally day came.couple getting ready to impress there  loved ones .the separation made them more was fiddling fingers and other Was drinking coffee out nervousness.

Taehyung was stage with his best men non other than jimin standing at his back.

He held his head down fiddling fingers and tapping his legs waiting for his beauty

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He held his head down fiddling fingers and tapping his legs waiting for his beauty.

The sudden music changed all the people turned towards the entrance door.

The sudden music changed all the people turned towards the entrance door

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Pretty boy with white suite with one hand has bouquet.and other wrapped around his father walking on aisle towards his soon to be husband .each step his taking towards the stage makes him more nervous.

Taehyung turned to look at his partner.his World was strucked.It was looking like light in his dark world . seeing light in his dark world tears flowing out of happines .he wiped of the tears .

Then he felt soft delicate hands in his hands and he swear he will never hurt them.

"Take care of him"

Other just noded.

Jungkook saw how taehyung looking with fondly eyes which hold so much emotions love,care affection and he never want those eyes to lose those emotions it was so mesmerizing to watch how much person adore you just by looking into his eyes .he felt so special.

"Looking good my love"taehyung whispered .
"You to hyung"jungkook whispered back.

Soon they took the vows to be with each other till death apart them.

"You may kiss now"preist declared.

Taehyung leaned forward and held jungkook waist and other hand was caressing cheek bone.
"My I bun "taehyung asked just stopping few centimetres form the lips.
Other looked his with equal love and nodded.

Theirs pressed against each there first kiss as husbands claiming each other .

Loud cheers were heard from the venue.

They broke the kiss and hugged.

Every one dancing on dance floor soon new couple dragged into the floor .

Taehyung wrapped his arm around jungkook waist and was holding his hand .
Jungkook placed small hand on taehyung chest and other was held by taehyung reached till there shoulders.

There eyes met each other the song got slowed.both moved there bodies delicatly.taehyung detached jungkook from himself his right hand was holding jungkook's left and spin him to force jungkook directly falled on his chest .In slow phase enjoying the music they again moved they bodies they were so lost in dancing that all they can think standing alone in ball room with beautiful moon in background and smoothing music .loud cheers came out.they got out of there trance .they slowly leaned towards and softly kissed each other.

(From now every step I take is closer to you're destruction)

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