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"I need to know what happened please I want truth "jungkook said.

Joining his hands pleading her .

"Kim taehyung is Kim daehyun and kim cheyon only son. They were happily living but kim cheyon doesn't know her husband was a monster until one day he came to know that her husband was ".

15yrs ago
Kim cheyon she was orphan.she was working used to work part-time jobs in the Busan.
There she met kim daehyun a normal employee .
She was beautiful .kim daehyun liked just by seeing at first time.

He proposed her after some time .

They got married every thing was but what cheyon doesn't know is that she was that her husband was a greedy and manipulative person.

Kim cheyon was sitting in cooking kitchen in hour taehyung will come to home from school .
She got call from her friend saying how her was gambling innocent people for the money .

She was very shocked to know but still trusted her husband.
But then she got photos her husband and other lady.
They were kissing each other she so broke after seeing those pictures.

But her fate today her husband came home little early .

"Hey honey "her husband entered the house

He entered the kitchen but saw his and his new girlfriend photos

"W-was it all true "she asked
"It not chaeyon some one is is messing with you ".

"Okay then I will directly ask her she was bestfriend friend".she was about walk out of the kitchen..

"Your not doing it "daehyun said with a smirk.

"Yes I will ".

Daehyun held her neck and slammed.her into the wall.

(Violence ❗)

"You fucking piece of shit I was trying get some money be family have great but you want to ruin it ".

He slammed her again to wall her head hit hard this time blood was coming out of her head .

"You know if you are alive again there will be someone who will black mail me it better to finish you".

Cheyon black out due to blood loss.
He took her to backyard to burry her body .

In mean time taehyung came into the he saw noone he went inside he saw blood on floor and photos his dad with other women.

He followed the droops  of blood
He saw his dad was digging the ground alongside his mom was lying there unconsciously with blood .

He was horrified to see his own dad doing this his tears were falling from his eyes .he need to call police .

He was about to run but he moved something which made in Daehyun to look around .

He saw horrified face on taehyung face .

He was about to run daehyun hit him with rock which made him fall on ground his head hitted the floor.
He vision was slowly blurring .All his saw was his dad was trying put his mom in the dig .

He need get out of this place.he some went out on the road he held the gate he can't see anything .

He slowly walked towards the road .there he saw a girl his friend Irene.

"Please take me from here My dad was trying to kill me plz"taehyung said and black out.irene took her to the hospital .

Daehyun came to road but he didn't saw taehyung .

Irene and her dad took taehyung to hospital . taehyung went into coma due excess blood loss.

He woke up after 3 months.
He explained everything to Irene and her dad.

They went into police complaint.

"You are trying file case on kim daehyun the richest business man ".

"Plz listen he kill my mom burried in the our house backyard".

The police went to back searched the place where his mother was burried but they find nothing just red sand.

"As I said sir this boy was wasting time on blaming that big business man "the police officer said and left the place taehyung just sat there and traced .the ground tears were flowing from his eyes.

"Where are you mom "he said sobbing badly .

Irene hugged him and comforted her.

But that day he worked part times jobs  for his study he need to reach daehyun which not possible for mere poor it was even hard to appointment at this time.

He work hard and build the company money which he saved he was one step away to meet the daehyun but again Jeon's ruined it.

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