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Taehyung entered the office it was 6 am no one was there in office only him.
That's what he thought.

Every one will come at 9 but mr.jeon said him to join at 6.

He went to his cabin . thought may be some work assigned to him.

Mr.jeon entered his cabin with smirk on his face.

"Good morning "he said with cheerful voice.

Taehyung just bowed to him.

"As early you know some employees didn't completed there work I need to complete this work " mr.jeon said
That was not incomplete work he was assigning him work then an normal.

Taehyung again gave him a nod.

"You know I like my son so much when he born I felt luckiest father .
But he turned 8 your dad snatched everything form us  you were peacefully living in mansion enjoy your childhood were my child was working I will never let you go that easily taehyung remember that".mr.jeon said with rage in his voice and left the office.

Again they are still living illusion.

It was 9 taehyung already feeling exhausted.he didn't have proper sleep and food from last 3 weeks .

He need something he went to coffee machine.

There some employees at coffee machine .

"Oh you need coffee"one of employee went to him .

"Why you dark circle under your eyes again fucked some one I think you really need hot coffee right" .

Mr.sung took really hot coffee.when taehyung extend his hand for taking coffee form poured the hot coffee on taehyung right hand .

"Oh sorry I was trying to give you coffee "he mocked taehyung every one laughed taehyung just stood there looking at his hand which turned to red due to hot coffee it was really painfull but taehyung didn't react his happened him many time.

"How awful person are you cheated on our ceo whose is an angel  ".mr.sang said .

Taehyung just stood there he didn't have any proof to justify that he didn't cheat but no use they will .

Every were laughing and I insulting him.

"What's happening here "some one roared .

(Updated his obsession chap-1  please check out)

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