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Taehyung went to home around 8.
He entered the saw his bun was I kitchen a smile immediately formed on his face he felt the relief.

He went towards him a back hugged him and sniffed his neck.
To calm his nerves.

"You startled me hyungie "jungkook said with huge pout.

"Sorry bun how was your day baby ". taehyung asked slowly sniffing his neck.

"It was good hyungie dad wants to call you tae your phone was unreachable".

"O-oh I was out Bun for the meeting there were no signals in that area I tried to contact you at lunch time but I couldn't ".

"Oh it okay hyung nothing important dad wants to introduce us to some business partners .he is held in party.he wasn't to ask you that why he called you ".

'"it's ok bun I will  come inform your dad ".

On the day of party both were getting ready for the party.

On the day of party both were getting ready for the party

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(jungkook outfit)

(Taehyung outfit)

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(Taehyung outfit)

Taehyung buttoning his shirt he was about were tie but jungkook took and Started to tieing .

"Why you was always look so handsome hyungie "jungkook asked while looking at tie.

On other hand taehyung got dazed seeing jungkook .his bun was growing his hair now .he was looking more beautiful the pink metallic shirt exposing his white neck and small chain around his white neck was glowing .he was looking so irresistible.

When jungkook got no answer he looked up taehyung immediately attacked his lips .to balance himself he held taehyung's shoulder.

After some time they broke the kiss.
"You're looking ravishing bun"taehyung said slowly kissing his pale neck.

"We should go hyung or else we will be late ". taehyung whinned after listening that . jungkook chuckled at olders action.

Then they went to party.
Mr.jeon introduce new couple to many people.

Every one was dancing taekook went danced some time after that they got down and went towards went to .

A beautiful  girl came to taehyung.
"Can have dance with you she asked ".

Taehyung looked at jungkook for confirmation.

Jungkook Don't want to create any mess so he accepted.

Soon they went to dance floor.
Taehyung and other girl talking and laughing . jungkook never thought he will be comfortable with some one in just few minutes.

He was feeling so jealous.
Soon taehyung held her hand walked towards jungkook .

Jungkook was just looking at those hands.with hurt eyes.

Taehyung can see his hurt eyes so he detached his hands form her an looked at bun.reassure bun with fondly eyes.

(Not every emotion you show through your eyes  is true .you might be too good at pretending)


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