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After long night jungkook was first one to get up .

He looked at tae he carssed his cheeks tears were flowing remberning what he did may be tae forgave him but he can't forgive himself it's not that easy.

"Sorry baby sorry for everything I will treat like king that's my promise I sorry so much "he mumbled .

He saw taehyung was moving he wiped his tears.

"Good morning bun "taehyung said nuzzling his face into other necks .

"Morning tae "jungkook said.

He felt so unreal he holding him again close to him which he thought impossible he held  tightly and kissed of his head .

"Shall we take bath tae "jungkook asked asked.

Tae hummed .

He took jungkook in bridal style towards the washroom.

He got freshed up.jungkook went to kitchen for breakfast .

They had there breakfast .

"I want to meet him "taehyung said.

Jungkook looked at taehyung with shocked eyes .
He doesn't want taehyung to meet that monster.

"But tae it will not good for you plz don't meet him "Jungkook.

Taehyung hugged " I will be ok bun I want to meet him ".

Taehyung said hugging him.

Jungkook and taehyung got ready for going for the police station where daehyun was locked up.

Taehyung and jungkook stood infront of daehyun jail.
Jungkook can feel other was slightly trembling jungkook held his hand tightly reassuring him.

Taehyung just gave a nod to him.

"Your here my son the actual kim taehyung "daehyun said with smirk.

"How handsome you grown up boy if I killed you that day world may not seen this beauty " . daehyun said taunting him.
Jungkook blood boiled when heard that .

"My lovely son-in-law kim jungkook you did great job little one but remember I will soon come out and send both of too chaeyon you 3 have fun Haven "daehyun said with smirk.

"That's enough you think you will come out soon  after this "taehyung chuckled at him.

"You all ways  locked up your wife filed case that she doesn't know you were married that time the company which your built over innocent people's life is bankrupt you lost everything its check mate you will not be out of his jail no influence people will help you it over ,its time for paying to your sins ""taehyung said .

Daehyun gritted his teeth" I will not leave u bastard ".he shouted.

"Calm down old man it's not good for your health you need to suffer a lot have a hell full journey ".
Taehyung said with he  took jungkook out of Jail.

He hugged Jungkook went he went out he sinffled jungkook sent to clam down.

"I want you to meet you some one bun ".

Jungkook gave a nod.

Taehyung took jungkook to his mother's grave .
They kneeled infront of graveyard.

Taehyung placed bouquet on grave red roses his mom's favourite.

"This is bun mom my wife I want you to meet him "he said holding
Jungkook hand .

Jungkook placed his hand on the graveyard.

'i promise you mom I will not Hurt him please forgive me for what ever I did I will treasure him this is my promise 'he mumbled .

And slowly hugged taehyung he will cherish this gem he will never loose it .he hugged him tightly and softly pressed his lips on his neck.
Enjoying his man's scent.

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