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Doe eyes slowly adjusting the light he tried to move but he can't some one was holding him tightly against there body.slowly with sleepy eyes he turned towards his left to his husband holding him .his came contact tae's bare chest .He blushed remembering beautiful night.he was wearing taehyung shirt his body was covered with marks made by taehyung .

He tried to got up but it was impossible due to pain.
Sensing jungkook moving taehyung slowly got up to see his bun trying to get up .
Taehyung held his waist and dragged towards him .to the force jungkook fall on top on taehyung's chest.

"Good morning bun " taehyung said caressing his cheeks.

Jungkook was just looking at taehyung without saying anything it was beautiful sight infront of him. Taehyung with messy hair fondly looking jungkook . jungkook can see can see love in those beautiful eyes which was more then enough for him .he leaned forward and kissed taehyung softly other returned .
"Good morning Hyung".

"Shall we take bath bun "jungkook noded . taehyung took his bun in bridal style at took him for shower .

He carried the young ones in arms and made him sit on kitchen counter .

"I will make breakfast bun ok "taehyung asked Jungkook standing between his legs and caressing his thighs.

"I will help you hyung"jungkook was about to get down but taehyung held .
"No bun I will do it you will hurt yourself more if you stand ok "taehyung turned around wore apron and folded his sleeves .and started to make pancakes.

Jungkook was just watching him how handsome he was looking even while cooking.

Taehyung bought 2 plate filled with pancakes with banana milk and strawberry.

After they done with breakfast Taehyung held bunny boy hand .

"I want to you show something "taehyung took him to first floor he slowly open the door .

Jungkook looked inside it was art room .

"It's for you bun you can draw how much you want "taehyung said looking at jungkook

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"It's for you bun you can draw how much you want "taehyung said looking at jungkook.

Jungkook hugged him "thank so much hyungie it's so peaceful ".

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