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Jungkook looked there was jimin.

Jimin held jungkook collar and slammed him at the wall .

"That fucking Revenge wasn't enough you now you killing him"jimin said with so much rage in his .

Jungkook was no where to answer him he was crying badly.

"I will beg you please leave him he didn't know anything about what his dad did to your company and your fucking assumption he never had peaceful life if he was his son that doesn't mean he leaved peaceful   "jimin said still holding his collar.

He leaved the Jungkook who just stood there .

Jungkook immediately left the place at went to home he need to talk to some one .

Mr.jeon sat there with parks about the marriage .
Jungkook entered the house with red eyes .
"I need to talk with "he said directly looking at his dad .
"We will son first let me introduce yourself to parks ".Jeon said .

"I fucking said that I want to talk "jungkook growled every one flinched at outburst.

"And mr .park I am not interested in this marriage it will good if you walk out of the house ".

Mr.parks left the house.

"What was that jungkook"Jeon said.

"How do you know taehyung dad that he is Kim daehyun son ".

"What ".


"I found in daegu when I went there ".
"Did you see taehyung after that and his mom ".

" No I haven't saw him after that "

"Then how you know he leaved peacefully with our money ".

"Isn't that obvious that he daehyun son what else we need ".Jeon said with chuckle.

Jimin words ranged in his head was that all was just assumption.

He needs to finds truth he will know answers from where the story started.

"I want to know there address".

He took his car and went towards the house .
He saw the house.

He went inside the house there garden with full of red roses .

He went looked at door which was locked he broke the lock and went inside .

The house is full of spider like noone entered it form days .

He looked at room he went inside he found small photo frame of kim daehyun a women and small baby it was taehyung.

She was not the women that  currently kim daehyun is  with .

"Was taehyung mom was really dead then why does anyone doesn't know about it"

He looked everything in his house he found nothing valuable.

He went out the house .he start the car he saw irene near one of the house .

Jungkook went towards her.

"I want to talk with you please"jungkook said.
Irene just gave a nod.

They went inside.

He took photo frame infront of her .
"Who is woman in picture".

"She is taehyung real mom "irene said.

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