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Taehyung went outside of office his legs were not supporting him anymore he kneeled he was crying his heart out .

Nothing have changed same thing repeated  .

Betrayal and heartbroke.samething repeated after 15 years .

Again he left with nothing all alone again.

Jimin saw how taehyung was crying.

He kneeled and hugged.

Other was sobbing hardly it was hard for jimin to hold taehyung was shaking badly and sobbing loudly .

"Shh clam down tae plz he didn't deserve you tae plz.your pure love he doesn't deserve plz tae stop crying".

"N-nothing c-changed j-jimin e-everything  r-repeat j-jimin t-this w-was m-my l-last c-chance j-jimin w-we l-lost  i-it jimin i-I l-lost b-bring j-justice t-to m-my m-mom I-I l-lost m-my l-love j-jimin i-I h-have n-nothing l-left".

"Please clam down tae we will find way ".

Jungkook was looking both of them through the big glass window.with teary eyes.
His revenge was more then this mere 2 months love.

"Plz take me home jimin".

Jimin dropped taehyung at home he insisted to stay but other politely rejected .

Taehyung went inside his house.
Eyes were searching for some one.
He still don't want to believe .

He still thinking that may be his bun was cooking for him.

He went to kitchen his tears were flowing for his eyes .his bun was not there he went to bedroom.

He open the closet jungkook's it was empty.

"You really left me bun"taehyung went to art room.

He just praying the God to make this all dream he want bun to be in  art room .

He entered it was also empty.
Just few paint brushes he went took one them kissed them slowly .

"I miss bun  you played very well bun you think I will able to leave after this then your wrong bun my heart so weak to take this much I already had taken enough pain bun I think I should meet my mom".

Taehyung took car and entered the  went to same house .

He went to house he went near his mom's favourite rose flowers

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He went to house he went near his mom's favourite rose flowers.

"How are you mom ".

"I lost everything mom everything I lost my bun mom he never loved me mum it was just Roleplay .
Again am that poor boy people will never trust me again mom
I can never fight with that monster for your death mom I don't have any one any one....
I just want to come to you as soon as possible I want to sleep in your lap mom."saying that taehyung put his head on grass .

"I want you mom so bad "tears were flowing from his eyes .

"You will not come to mom but I can come to you right mom."

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