chap -19

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Both tae and jimin went inside Jeon's office .

"Oh tae please come "they were in the conference hall in which mr.jeon was sitting opposite to him .

"We lost the deal mr.jeon we work hard on it but it went wrong"taehyung said.

"I know tae you will lost the deal I made the foreign deligates to not to accept".

"What are saying mr.jeon "taehyung was so confused .

"As you lost the this It contract you singed this is condition that you singed up when lose the contract you should handover Kim's me and work as my employee "mr.jeon said with a smirk.

"what is the contract you made me sign how can you do this ".
Taehyung said with rage in his voice.

Other person just laughed at taehyung.

"Every thing is fair in love and war I know your tricks taehyung after deal which your working hard I know what are you upto you once the deal will successful I know what will do next and I don't what anything to repeat .
" .the person said with smile.

Taehyung and Jimin just froze in there position they never thought something like this would happen from most trusted person.

"Why are doing mr.jeon this why you trapped me into this "taehyung asked furiously.

"Irony comes from you taehyung you are asking me this when you are the part of these when you will become the ceo I know you will play same dirty old trick".Jeon asked .

"What are saying sir".
Taehyung asked he don't even know what other was saying.

"Don't act so niave taehyung I played same trick with you people played with me years back ".

"You made this deal just for this purpose".


"This is not fair mr.jeon you made us fools to get sign on this deal we trusted you mr.jeon you can't do this.we worked hard for this company you can't just snatch it away".
Jimin said gritting his teeth.

"You shut boy you don't even know anything about this boy and about trust you should be one talk about
I know everything about you taehyung and what are you upto".

"How could you do this sir how can do this me and to own son he was so innocent how can do this "taehyung growled at mr.jeon.

"What are saying".

Thoughts. :) :(

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