Let's Get This Son Of A Bitch!

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Author POV

Peter just stares into the sky, looking at the stars, remembering how Wanda loved watching the stars while on the run. The world has been on fire since Thanos snapped his damn fingers, wiping out half of all living creatures in the universe.

Peter lost Wanda and Natasha in Wakanda, while May was lost inside her apartment with MJ. Since he found out he lost them, he hasn't been the same. He feels like a shell of his former self, and there is nothing he can do to fix this.

As he looks at the night sky, his enhanced hearing picks up something, and he gets up to look around, as the noise gets louder. Now it's so close it shakes the small things, which then Steve, Rhodey, Bruce and Pepper come running out of the Compound to see a red spaceship land, along with their new friend Carol Danvers.

The ship lands and opens its door, and out comes Tony Stark, someone Peter is glad is alive. Steve and Pepper run to help him in, as Rocket joins the new lady who's colored blue, but Peter is still broken, even though he has the team, they're not who he wants to be with at the moment.

The Next Day

It's early in the morning and everyone at the Compound is in the meeting room, before they get a visitor, Clint Barton, "hey guys I'm here, sorry for being late", "dont worry Clint you're right on time", says Steve.

Rhodey puts up holographic pictures of the dusted Avengers and allies, which include Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, just to name a few. Tony notices Natasha's and Wanda's pictures and immediately feels sympathy for Peter, especially knowing how he was in love with them.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth", says Rhodey, "world governments are in pieces, the parts still working are trying to take census... and Thanos did exactly what he said he was gonna do... he wiped out 50 percent of all living creatures", says Bruce.

Peter see's all the pictures change, seeing Scott, T'Challa, and alot of others. He puts his head down to hide how he let a few tears fall knowing how not only were Natasha and Wanda gone, but he found out May was gone when he got back.

Peter zones out, just not wanting to hear anything, but then he can't help but to hear Tony's angry voice, "I believe I remember telling all of you what we need is a suit of armor around the world, remember that, weither it impacted our precious freedoms or not, that's what we needed".

"Well that didn't work out did it", "I said we'd lose, and you said we'll do that together-", says Tony, "well guess what Cap, we lost and you weren't their", says Tony.

"But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, not the Prevengers, right?", Rhodey tries making him sit down, "no no, here's my last sentence, she's great by the way, we need you, your new blood. Bunch of tired old mill, I got nothing for you Cap, I got no coordinates, no clues, no options, no strategies, zero zip nada, no trust, liar!".

Pepper stays with an unconscious Tony in medbay while everyone meets up again, "so, we need to find Thanos now", "I may know some people who know where he is", says Carol, "don't bother... I can tell you where he is", says Nebula.

Peter and everyone else look at her, "where is he? We need to get those damn stones and bring back everyone", says Peter. "For as long as I tried pleasing him-", she cuts herself off, but then continues, " I would always ask what he would do after he accomplished his goal? He would always give the same answer, he would go to The Garden", she says.

"Oh, so he has a retirement plan, that's very nice", Rhodey says very sarcastically. Rocket then activities a holographic map of the universe, "23 days ago, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions, nothing that's ever been seen before, until 2 days ago, here on this planet".

Rocket shows another planet and shows the same kind of power surge, "he used the Stones again", says Peter, "hey, let's think about this, we'll be going in short handed", says Bruce.

Peter looks determined with a fire in his eyes, "I don't care, we have to go, we owe it to everyone who's not in this room with us, we owe it to everyone around the universe", says Peter, "no offense Peter, but how differently will this end than last time?"

"It'll be different because you didn't have me", says Carol, "that's good and all, but we're all about the superhero life, and exactly where have you been?", asks Rhodey, "protecting other planets, because they never had their versions of The Avengers", she says. Steve look at the map and makes a decision, "let's get this son of a bitch!".

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