Mother and Son... Reunited!

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Author POV

The Next Day

Peter is on the elevator going up to May's apartment, he's wearing a white shirt under green plaided button up shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. Wanda and Natasha are with him, Wanda is wearing a maroon shirt, a grey hoodie jacket, a black beanie, blue jeans and black heels, while Natasha wears a red shirt, a black jacket, black pants and black heels.

"Oh God, I'm so nervous, in a good way of course", says Peter, as he laughs along with Tasha and Wanda. As the laughing dies down, the elevator stops and they step off, "Peter, hi", they hear and see a red head, which confuses Tasha and Wanda, but Peter recognizes her, "Mary Jane, it's good to see you, welcome back", "it's good to be back".

"Peter, you know her?", Wanda asks, "yeah, I met her that day 5 years ago, she too dusted away", he says sadly, "oh, I'm so sorry Mary Jane", says Natasha. Mary Jane smiles, "don't worry, I'm just happy to be back", she says.

Peter looks at the door in front of Mary Jane, "Peter, she's waiting, Ned is here also, and so are Michelle, Betty and a man named Happy". Peter walks towards the door, but doesn't open it, "... are you ok Peter?", asks Wanda, he shakes his head, "... I'd be lying if I said yes".

Wanda hugs Peter from behind, as Natasha grabs his hand, "don't worry, this should be a happy moment, don't be nervous", "you'll do fine".

Peter takes a deep breath and then opens the door and see's her... he see's May, his Aunt... someone who's been like a mother. "... Peter... you've grown", says May, "... and you haven't changed a day since I last saw you". Peter walks to May and hugs her tight, and starts to cry.

No one says a word, seeing how this moment isn't one to interupt, but no one can hold their sobs, but they're all just happy Peter and May are back together, for good this time.

A few minutes pass when Ned speaks up, "I'm glad you too are back together, but the rest of us want hugs to bro". Peter separates and laughs, "Ned... you still look the same", "well yeah, I did turn to dust as well, so I'm still 18", "haha, I'm 24 now, I'm older than you now", "damnit!". Michelle, Betty and MJ laugh.

Natasha and Wanda smile, seeing Peter finally have everyone back in his life, "I'm happy Peter has his friends back, his old life", says Wanda, "yeah, these years since the Accords situation really took everything and everyone away from Peter, I'm just glad he's finally smiling again".

Peter pulls away, remembering Natasha and Wanda are behind him, "oh, by the way, I want you guys to meet-" "Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, The Black Widow and The Scarlet Witch", says Michelle. "Nat, Wanda, its been years since we last saw each other", "it really has been May, glad your back", says Natasha.

"Not saying that I don't want them here, but why are they here?", asks Betty, "oh, that's right, umm, May knows this because I told her 5 years ago, but I'm dating both of them". "What?", "that's a lie!", "really? For reals", say Ned, Michelle and Betty, "yeah, I started dating them not that long before the Accords situation", says Peter.

Ned is wide-eyed, "wait, hold up! You didn't tell me about this", "well, we wanted to keep it a secret until I turned 18". Ned, Michelle and Betty are too shocked, "well, I'm happy your happy Peter, Congratulations!"

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