And I... Am... Iron Man!

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Author POV

Carol rips through the ship, making is explode, which shocks Thanos, as Steve smiles, "Danvers, we could use an assist here".

Peter is hiding on to the Gauntlet as She lands, "oh, hey Carol, its been 5 years since we've met, how ya been?", "I've been good Peter Parker, you got something for me?", she asks playfully.

She helps him up and gives her the Gauntlet, and they see a huge amount of foes coming there way, "I know your strong, but I don't know how your gonna get through all that".

Wanda lands behind him, "Don't Worry!", "She's not alone!", Natasha says, as all the ladies come together. Hope grows back to normal, as Valkyrie lands next to Carol, and Pepper next to Natasha, "Okay you ladies look badass!". Mostly all of them smile, "take a break Pete, let's us finish this", says Wanda, "no problem, go for it, lucky I'm on your side".

Peter watches as they all fight to get the Stones to the van, but he then see's more enemies coming towards them from behind, "you wanna get to them-", he stops himself, as the four golden Spider legs appear, "-you gotta go through me". Peter is joined by T'Challa, M'Baku and some others in killing the foes.

Then Peter senses go off, and he looks back and see's Thanos throw his sword at the van, making it explode and destroy the Quantum Tunnel, "guys, Thanos destroyed the van, what now?", asks Scott.

Tony pushed a dead foe off of him and saw the Gauntlet. He ran to it, pushing Thanos away, but Thanos elbowed him, sending him down. As Thanos tried to pick the Gauntlet, Thor jumped to him, swinging his weapons. 

Thanos backed to avoid Stormbreaker and ducked to avoid Mjolnir being thrown at him. Thor turned to pick the Gauntlet when Thanos grabbed him, so he freed himself and swung Stormbreaker, though Thanos managed to grab it to save himself. As they struggled, Thor summoned Mjolnir and used it to push Stormbreaker, trying to break the deadlock. Thor roared as lightning flashed, and then Steve leapt at Thanos from behind, grabbing Stormbreaker as well, trying to pull it into Thanos to help Thor.

Then Thanos head-butted Thor, sending him back. Thanos grabbed Steve's head and threw him down, too, punching him. As Thanos picked up the Gauntlet, Carol leapt at him, kicking his knee, sending him down before punching him and dodging his punch. She hovered in the air, firing two blasts at his face, sending him back and then tried to punch, but Thanos dodged and, grabbing her hand, spun her around and threw her off.

Thanos then put on the Gauntlet and grunted as energy surged through him.Struggling through the pain, Thanos tried to snap his fingers when Carol grabbed the Gauntlet, stopping him.With her hands on the Gauntlet, Carol absorbed its power, increasing her energy as she did so. Thanos angrily head-butted her, but she was unaffected, only looking pissed.

Absorbing more energy, Carol flew into the air while holding onto the Gauntlet, sending Thanos to one knee. As Carol pushed him back, he suddenly ripped out the Power Stone from the Gauntlet and, before she could react, punched her with it, sending her flying off.

Tony looked up at Strange. As he struggled against the flood, he looked at Tony regretfully and, with shaking hands, raised one finger. And then Tony knew what he had to do. Thanos put the Power Stone back in the Gauntlet, and power surged through him. Tony rushed him and grabbed the Gauntlet, trying to snatch it. Thanos kneed him and smacked him away. As Tony looked up, Thanos looked at the Gauntlet and, turning to him, declared, "I am... inevitable." Then Thanos snapped. 

But nothing happened! Thanos turned the Gauntlet around to see the Stones were missing and turned to Tony in horror. The Stones were on Tony's right gauntlet now. Tony closed his eyes, grunting painfully as power surged through the suit.Tony looked at Thanos and declared defiantly, "And Iron Man." With that, he snapped his fingers. 

Rocket fired at a Leviathan, which was about to eat him when it turned to dust. And then all of Thanos' army around them started turning to dust too while T'Challa and Quill watched.Steve looked around at the army turning to dust before turning to look at Thanos, who backed off in horror. Maw staggered up to him and turned to dust. 

Midnight was cradling the dying Glaive, and both turned to dust as well. Thanos looked around and knew he had been defeated. He sat on a rock and sighed, watching the sunset solemnly, closing his eyes and accepting his defeat with dignity. And with that, he turned to dust as well.Tony staggered and supported himself, his entire right side now charred, burnt and blackened brutally. 

As Tony fell, Rhodey flew in front of him and, opening his visor, patted Tony's head, trying not to break down while Tony tried to say something and failed. Pepper then knelt in front of him and put her hand on his Reactor as he grasped it. Hey." She said weakly. "Hey, Pep..." He groaned painfully and weakly. 

"FRIDAY?" Pepper called out, even though she already knew the answer. "Life functions critical," FRIDAY said."Tony," Pepper called out, putting on a smile as she didn't want his last sight of her to be of her crying, "Look at me." Tony weakly groaned and managed to look at her. "We're gonna be okay." Pepper smiled through a veil of tears, "You can rest now." 

In a few seconds, his Arc Reactor shut itself off, and his hand slumped to the side, letting Pepper's go. Steve and Thor watched sadly from behind, struggling not to cry as Pepper sobbed and kissed the dead Tony, having lost him forever.

Natasha and Wanda stand next to Peter, who just kneels with head down in respect, as Wanda and Natasha did the same thing. T'Challa see's them and follows suit, so does Carol, Quill, Strange, and everyone else.

Steve cries as he kneels on front of Thor, who also kneels. Sam, Bucky, Valkyrie, Mantis, Scott, Hope, Okoye and M'Baku kneel in silence, showing respect, for a man who sacrificed himself for the universe.

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