The Ronin!

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Author POV

A figure in a black suit with gold outlines, a hoodie and a mask is seen coming to view, as he wipes his sword clean of the blood. He turns around and puts his sword away and leaves before the authorities arrive.

From a far away building, he hides in and takes off the mask, reveling his face, and it's Peter, just not Peter Parker

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From a far away building, he hides in and takes off the mask, reveling his face, and it's Peter, just not Peter Parker. For Peter, he doesn't use a name anymore, not since he lost May, Natasha, Wanda... the three people he cared about the most.

As he runs, his appearance is noticeable. He's changed from basically combing his hair back to spiking it up. (Like the haircut in The Superior Spiderman comics!)

He reaches his hiding place changes into normal cloths and leaves before they find him. Peter walks away normally, not drawing attention towards him. As the noise of the cops sirens fills the night, the only thing he hears are the screams of the people he's killed, the screams of the people he's shown no mercy too.

He reaches a bus bench and sits on it, wanting to rest for a short time. Peter remembers how this all started... and he just doesn't care too stop, he has no motivation to stop, no one to stop him, and he feels the only ones who can are dead, and have been for 5 years... that's why he does this, because his heart was taken away from him.

He remembers months after learning the people who were blipped away couldn't be brought back, he found a sword and bought it, and made a new suit, and went out to kill the criminals who survived. He released all the anger he had, but the anger got bigger, the guilt built inside of him.

He killed more and more and more and more untill..... he realized that he couldn't stop.... that he isn't Peter Parker.

Natasha and Wanda would be disappointed in him for what he's become, for what he's done. Peter doesn't wanna continue doing what he's done, but he doesn't stop, because he's not Peter Parker... he's not Spiderman... he is The Ronin.

Author Note

I wanna give a shout out to Boyi0707 for giving me this idea so thank you!

Bet you didn't see this coming! I had either thought of being the Superior Spider-Man for this, but Ronin sounds much better with the skillset he learned.

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