The Plan!

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"OK so the how works!", says Steve, as they show holographic pictures of the 6 Infinity Stones, "now we gotta figure out the where and the when. Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with atleast one of the Infinity Stones".

"Well I haven't... but I don't even know what the hell you're talking about!", says Scott.

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each. And these Stones have been in alot of different places throughout history", says Bruce, "Our history. So not alot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?", adds Tony.

"Which means we have to pick out targets", says Clint, "Correct". "So, let's start with The Aether. Thor, what do you know?", asks Steve.

Everyone turns to Thor, but he stays silent, "is he asleep?", asks Peter, "no no, I'm pretty sure he's died" adds Rhodey.

Peter listens in as Thor explains what The Aether is and how it came to become the Reality Stone and how Dr. Jane Foster came to have the Aether inside her for a short period of time.

Later, Peter and everyone else are now eating Chinese and Ice Cream, both Bruce and Peter eating their own tubes of Hunka Hulka Burning Fudge, "Quill stole the Power Stone from Morag", says Rocket.

"Is Morag a person?", "no, Morag is a planet, Quills a person", "a planet? Like in outer space?", says Scott excited. "Look it's like a very excited puppy. You wanna go to space? You wanna go to space puppy? I'll take you to space".says Rocket. Peter just laughs, as does Rhodey.

"Vormir, that's where the Soul Stone is.... Vormir is a dominion of death in the center of celestial existence... and that's where Thanos killed my sister Gamora", says Nebula, as Peter takes notes, and everyone stays quiet, "not it!", says Scott.

Later that day, As Tony, Bruce and Steve and Clint discuss something privately, Peter is in his room, looking at the Ronin suit, and he feels disgusted just looking at it. He doesn't want that here, "Tony's right, Ronin is done", Peter says, grabbing a box and putting the suit and Sword inside it and leaves with it.

Rhodey see's Peter, "hey Pete, what's in the box?", he asks, "Ronin is, I'm getting rid of it, all of it", he says, "I don't need this anymore, I'm done being Ronin". Rhodey smiles, "good because I hated Ronin, glad he's gone", "and he's gone forever", says Peter, as he puts the box away deep in storage inside the Compound.

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