Don't Give Me Hope!

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Author POV

Steve walks out the Compound disappointed in the time travel tests he, Bruce, Clint and Scott tried doing, but they decided to take a break. Steve hears a car pull up and sees Tony in it as it parks, "why the long face? Let me guess, he turned into a baby didn't he?", asks Tony, "among other things yeah, what are you doing here?"

Tony gets out of his car, "it's called the EPR Paradox, instead of sending Scott through time, you sent time through Scott, it's tricky dangerous, someone should've warned you about it". "You did", "oh, did I? Well, I fixed it", says Tony, revealing a device on his left hand.

"I present, the fully functional Time-Space GPS, I just want peace!", says Tony, giving the peace sign, "turns out resentment is corrosive and I hate it", "me too". "Steve, if we do this, I gotta tell you my priorities, get back what we lost, but keep what I have, at all costs, and not dying sounds good", "sounds like a deal!", they both shake hands.

Tony goes into the back of the cars trunk and brings out Steve's shield, but he hesitates, "Tony, I don't know", "why? He made it for you", says Tony. Steve puts the shield on, "plus, honestly I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding", Tony says.

Tony grabs an orange case, "keep it on the low, didn't bring one for the team... we are getting a team right?", asks Tony, "we're working on that, Bruce went for Thor and umm-", Steve stops, "Peter? What about him? He's one of us", "Clint just left to get him back".

Both Steve and Tony know how hard this has had to be for Peter, and they quickly figured out that this Ronin persona was Peter, but they kept quiet to protect him, because he didn't just become a killer for shits and giggles. They know he's in pain, and they wanna help bring out the Peter they met a long time ago.

In Japan

A fight was going on, men in white suits firing their guns, but they keep missing. The person they're fighting, a now trained assassin, The Ronin. He dodges the bullets and kills the men he slices with the sword.

As the noise dies down, one man is left standing, and he jumps out of the window and lands on his feet, as another landed across from him, "why are you doing this? We never did anything to you!". The masked and hoodie figure speaks, "You survived! Half the planet didn't! They got Thanos. You get me!"

They start the fight and their swords clash, and the hoodied figure slices the man, "you are done hurting people!". They clash again and the man in the suit is cut again, and he staggers. The hoodied figure soon slices the man's throat and he drops to his knees, "wait! I'll give you anything you want!". The man brings up his sword, "What I want... you can't give me!".

The figure stabs the man and he falls to the ground as he dies. The figure cleans his blade and puts it away and stops for a few seconds as he senses someone behind him. He takes off his hood and mask, "you shouldn't be here", "... Neither should you Peter", says Clint.

Peter turns around and Clint can immediately sense Peter is in a horrible place for him to resort to killing people, "killing these people won't bring Natasha and Wanda back, especially May... Peter... we may have found a way to bring them back" says Clint.

Peter just looks at him and releases tears as it rains, "Dont!", "Dont what?", asks Clint, "... Don't Give Me Hope!", says Peter in a broken voice. Clint then knows that's exactly what he needs, "I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner", says Clint, as he reaches Peter and hugs him, "I'm sorry Peter!", he says.

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