Protect The Stones! and Portals!

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Author POV

Peter wakes up, pushes rubble off him and gets to his feet, and finds the Gauntlet with the Infinity Stones. He grabs it and holds it in his left arm... then he hears a growl.

He looks towards where the growl was and then senses danger, a whole lot of danger. Peter runs off, revealing that the growls were from Outriders.

A beam of light hits the ground, and out of that light comes Thanos, "Daughter." "Yes, Father" "So, this is the future.Well done" "Thank you, Father. They suspected nothing" "The arrogant never do. Go. Find the Stones. Bring them to me" "What will you do?" "Wait."

Peter runs inside a hallway lit in red, and he see's his Ronin sword. He grabs it as he continues to run, and he connects it, then grabs his sword and starts killing the Outriders. He fires his webbing at the ceiling above him and goes up, then the Outriders follow him, but he kills them by cutting them in half.

Peter goes up a floor and falls down, and tries catching his breath, and he takes the mask off. Nebula is then seen, he gives her the Gauntlet, "oh hey, I know you", he says.

"Father, I have the stones", she says into her earpiece, "what?". Nebula grabs her gun, hut then a green women appears with a gun of her own, "let him go", "your betraying us?!?".

Peter moves away with face, "I'm so confused right now", he whispers. Then another Nebula comes out, "now I'm really confused, there's two Nebulas?!?", "Peter, it's me, when we did the Time Heist, Thanos of the past found out, he captured me and sent the Nebula of the past here", she explains, "that, makes sense...  and that sucks, he's back".

"So it true then, Thanos of this time is dead", "yeah, he has been for 5 years... your welcome", says Peter. Peter sees the Nebulas argue then the Nebula from the past is shot and dies, "that was anticlimactic, don't you think?", asks Peter.

Outside The Destroyed Compound

Steve is getting up, with a broken Shield and a big gash in his left arm, as Thanos and his army ready to try and kill him and his team, and find the Gauntlet with the Stones.

He adjusts the shield on his arm, putting pressure on the gash as he gets up. He then walks towards the army alone. Steve is ready to fight alone if he has to, but he stops when he hears a voice he hasn't heard on 5 years.

"Cap, can you read me? Cap, it's Sam, can you hear me. On Your Left!". A golden portal opens behind Steve and out walk three people, two of whom were blipped away.

T'Challa leads his sister Shuri and Okoye, and he gives Steve a reassuring nod, as Sam flies out, as more golden portals open. Dr Strange lands as Quill, Drax and Mantis take their positions, "Yibambe!", says T'Challa, as the Wakandan Tribes come through the portal.

Out from another portal, with more of the Wakandan Tribe, Bucky, Groot, Natasha and Wanda come out, giving Steve a reassuring smile. Valkyre leads the Asgardian Army, as The Ravagered come from space. Wong comes out with more Masters of The Mystic Arts.

Pepper lands in her Rescue suit, as Thor calls Stormbreaker, and Tony gets up from being unconscious. Strange stands next to Wong, "Is that everyone?", "what, you wanted more?".

A loud noise is heard, and reveals Scott as a giant, breaking out of the destroyed Compound, with Bruce, Rhodey and Rockey in his hand. Bruce jumps and lands near the others and Rhodey lands with Rocket behind Steve.

Thanos looks in shock, as the Avengers and their allies roar, "Avengers...", Steve says, recalling Mjolnir into his hands, as everyone else gets into battle position, "Assemble."

Thor bellows a loud roar, as does T'Challa, and signaling the start of the war to save universe. Tony, Rhodey, Sam Quill, Wanda, Strange Valkyrie on her Pegasus and all the Ravager ships fly towards Thanos and his army, while while everyone else runs.

Thanos points his sword, signaling for his army to charge. Cull, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, and Corvus Glaive lead the Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitari.

M'Baku roars along with Thor, as the armies come to a clash. The Avengers and everyone else determined to win the Battle for Earth and the Universe once and for all.

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